Friday, July 15, 2011

4th of July Spectacular

My 4th of July weekend was seriously one of the best ever. My life has been a whirlwind since the wedding and I hope I remember everything that happened. So B transferred from San Antonio, TX office to Salt Lake City. I know, so great. So Friday we headed down to SLC to see him and then on Saturday do some shopping at Park City with Riana and Monica. It was so good to finally touch and see the person who I had been talking to for months. We had dinner and watched a movie. The next day we all had breakfast in Sugarhouse and then B had to go sell so we went shopping at the Park City Outlets. Loved them. We shopped for a LONG time and I loved every minute of it. We then got some Chick-Fil-A, you know since they don’t have it in Idaho, and headed home. We got back around 8 or so and were all so exhausted. By that time, B and Anthony headed over to come pick us up and we went to Transformers (I actually really liked this one, a lot better than #2). Sunday was good, I had to teach a lesson and it actually turned out pretty good. That night we headed over to Anthony’s house in Roberts for some BBQ and fireworks! It was really fun, we rode the dirt bikes, ate some amazing food, played baseball, and blew things up... oh and of course laughed (that's what we do best). Monday the actual day of the 4th was a crazy one (and HOT), B and Anthony came over and we went to Gator Jacks, my favorite place ever, and then took a walk through Porter Park. B had this amazing idea to go float the river so that's what we did. So fun, and really so relaxing. The water was perfect, and we just all had a good time enjoying Idaho in the summer. That night we decided to make the trek to Idaho Falls and watch the fireworks. I love fireworks so much, and these are the best I have ever seen. Thanks to the boys for letting me watch them right on the greenbelt! We had to walk a bazillion miles back to our car but totally worth it. We actually got home at a decent hour, and then watched the Justin Bieber movie of course!
 Anthony grilling! He is the grill master!
 Ri and I... seriously love her!
 Our feast (you can't see the meat though, but that was really good too)
 Softball! Hooray!
 Anthony showing us how you play baseball by yourself!
 Go B!
 Yes we are pyro's and proud of it!
 Sparklers are seriously my favorite!
 Thank you Rocky Mountain!
 Love them!
 Roman candles are the only way to celebrate the 4th!
 Ok and love them too!
 This is the face that B often gives me when I say something ridiculous. HA! I love it!
 Precious (I wish I was as tan as him, haha)!
 The twins... seriously. HA!
 Megan and I enjoying the fireworks and Oreos!
 Hooray for fireworks!

Tuesday we decided to have a fire and go shoot guns (I know, officially from Idaho!) It was fun, except for the fact that we got ATTACKED and I mean attacked by mosquitoes. Poor Josh rode his motorcycle out there and was swarmed by a million of them. Wednesday I had to go to work, BOO... but that night we left for Salt Lake for my next adventure of New Mexico. 
 A-town spraying down Josh. I'm surprised he didn't get West Nile.
 Obviously NOT in the mood for a picture.
 Oh sister I love you.
 Shooting, I know I look so hard core!
Ry and Anthony!
One of the best 4th's ever. I mean what if I was still working at Rocky Mountain Fireworks and Fur? I would have never had this opportunity, and most of the time while I was relaxing in the river I was remember how bad my feet hurt by that time of the day in years past. Happy Birthday America!

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