Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th Discoveries

Sorry I forgot to post this on the 4th! Now I'm way behind, but have a look anyway!

Wow what a weekend I had. I’ve discovered (ok so not discovered but realized) how much I really do love the following things:

Parma, Idaho – The place I was born and raised. No one has senioritis as bad as I did. I wanted to leave so bad. Now it seems like I never want to leave it. What a great community it is, and there is always some sort of drama because it’s a small town, but I love it all the same. The familiarity of it, and how it will ALWAYS be my home no matter where my family or I am. The quirks that it has just make it all the more special.

Summer – I forget how hot it is back home, when I left Rexburg it was like 70 degrees, by the time I rolled into Parma it was 95 degrees. GAH! So hot! I love it all the same though, especially summer nights, they are just delightful. I love riding in the back of the truck on summer nights. Also playing out in the yard, or sitting on the deck. Love it! I love the sun and the warmth.

4th of July – The past two years I haven’t gotten really to ever enjoy it because I’ve been selling fireworks. I have missed it. What a great American holiday. You BBQ, play some games, enjoy the summer evening, and then blow things up. I love America, and the great freedoms I enjoy! This year my dad made some hamburgers, some families came over, we played volleyball and with some water balloons. It was then on the fireworks. After selling them I’m pretty much an expert as to what I like. Good thing we had some good stuff! There were some poppers that were really good, and those ended up being some of my favorites. I only got to light one sparker this year though. Darn it!

Family – Whether it be my blood family or my friends who I consider family. I often wonder the person I would be without them. I enjoy every second I am with them, and this weekend I just realized how each person has their unique role and we each accept it. That’s just who we are, I will always be the boss / opinionated one (outside my mother of course), and that’s just how we roll. I love my siblings, and parents. Together we have the best time and make the best team.

I didn’t mean for my blog to be so sentimental. It was supposed to be a blog about my weekend. HA! I have every weekend in July booked for fun activities, so keep coming back to see the fun adventures of ME!

1 comment:

The Hulbert Family said...

Have I ever told you I love the name of your blog? It fits you perfect!

I'm glad you had a good 4th. Oh and yes Parma is a great place with lots of great people!