Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Random Fun!

Ok so only 7 more days until I’m quarter of a century… AHHH! I can’t wait until my birthday though. I’ve rented a Hummer limo and it’s going to be fan-freakin-tastic. Of course we are rolling in high class so I’ve got a party dress and everything for the occasion. Anyway we’ve been painting a fence for one of my co-workers to help pay for my upcoming birthday party, and can I just say that you can find fun in whatever you are doing! I’m got some amazing friends too, as they have spent THREE I repeat THREE Saturday’s helping me finish this huge project. We’ve had a great time doing it though, even if we get covered in stain. Thanks guys!

Today I have been playing the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Melissa. I dare anyone to beat her, she’s pretty freaking good.

Austin and Kenzie are having a boy. YES! Now I can start buying clothes, jesh, it’s been rough having to be patient, and I’ve still got 4 ½ months to go.

1 comment:

Keesha n David Brown said...

Since you're having so much fun, you can come finish staining our fence for us! :)