Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Down for the Count

It has been ages since I've blogged, don't worry, it definitely is not because I'm so busy having an amazing life. Quite opposite actually, almost a month ago I was on my way home driving through the desert of Las Vegas when I felt like I couldn't breathe. I thought I had eaten something that I was highly allergic to because my throat closed up and I couldn't breathe. Anyway, it was scary because we were in the middle of nowhere so I prayed really hard and took some Benadryl. It totally knocked me out but I did start to feel better. I thought it was just a fluke thing and would avoid Ginger Snaps like the plague. The next day after lunch I started feeling really weird, nauseous, dizzy, and tingly hands and feet. So weird, after work I went to the temple and whilst in the session I felt like I was going to pass out. So I left the session and headed straight to the Doctor. The doctor, after examining my symptoms, said that she thought something was wrong with my heart. SAY WHAT?! So she put me on a heart monitor (pictured below) for 2 days.

A miserable 2 days in fact. I ended up staying with Melissa for those 2 days just because she lives so close to the hospital and Sarah was out of town. I arrive home Saturday and I am in some SERIOUS pain. My chest hurts something fierce and naturally if you think its your heart you don't want to mess around. So I decided I better go to the ER. After x-rays, blood work, EKG, the Dr. determined I had some sort of bronchial infection, set me up with a bunch of meds and sent me on my way. That night was still really painful, and I continued to persevere. I went to work on Monday and it was rough, I probably shouldn't have gone, but I did. I was miserable. So I called in sick the next day and went back to the Dr. half of my face was numb and super hot, and I was like, what's going on? This Dr. took more tests and chalked it up to anxiety. 4 doctors later I was still having anxiety and not getting ANY better. I couldn't even get out of bed on Thursday and I was scared that the rest of my life I would be confined to a bed watching Saved by the Bell. Finally on Friday night a couple of boys came over and gave me a blessing. It was an awesome blessing, promising me health and full recovery, but also that there were numerous things wrong and I would have to persistent in finding out what was effecting my body to react the way it did. To top off this whole thing Sarah and I were in the process of moving. I however couldn't even walk, so she packed up most of my things and people from the ward came and helped me move my stuff. I was (and still am) touched by the service that has (and is still) being offered on my behalf. What great people I know, and how they seriously made me sit on the couch as they carried everything away. I am so blessed. I'm still down for the count but slowly recovering. I went to a cardiologist, and had an echocardiogram and lung test. I'm also going to an endocrinologist to see if something is outta whack there. I feel like I'm taking the right steps to get a diagnosis. Most of all I've learned not to take my health for granted, it's such a huge blessing. I've learned it's ok to ask for help, people are willing to help, and they want to help. Most of all I've learned how many people care and love me. It's through faith that I can survive my trials (and having faith especially when sick is the hardest thing I've done).


Jessica said...

So sad that you're feeling awful. I'll keep you in my prayers. Hopefully I'll still get to see you at Jamie's wedding?? Take care.

Party of Five said...

Oh my gosh! Get well soon, girlie! and hang in there. Hugs.

monica said...

oh my heavens! i cant believe this. i hope you find out soon and heal soon. im thinking of you.

Becky Clinton said...

Blessings on your head, Savanna, and on those that serve you. Our prayers are offered up, too. Love you.

Jenn said...

I love you !!!