Friday, September 21, 2012

Mega Post - Thanks Jenn!

The BFF Jenn at Anything But Ordinary tagged me in a super fun question/answer, Mega Post yesterday.  It was so great, and I loved reading hers, so of course I was so happy when she asked me to one about myself.
The rules are as follows:
1::Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
2::They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger
3::They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers
4::They must tag 11 blogs with less than 200 followers
5::The bloggers must be told
6::No tag backs 

11 Facts about me:
1::The most important people to me include my husband, family, and a few close friends. I would do anything for them, and without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.
2:: I really don’t like bacon. I swear everyone just loves the stuff, but I’m like meh, its ok.  
3:: Yesterday was my 2 week anniversary being married, but it feels a lot longer than that since I’ve known my husband for 2 years. Either way, it’s been a wonderful adjustment, and already has taught me a lot about patience and communication! My worst fear is that I become one of those “wives” who just rubs it in everyone’s face how much fun it is being married and you have a disease because you’re single. I was single for 27 years, I know how annoying that can get! *Side story – Sarah was telling me how one of her students was asking her about married life and her student said this “I just don’t know how single people do it, I mean being married is just so perfect. Those poor single girls, how will they ever survive?” SICK! Don’t worry she was 20!
4:: I LOVE chocolate. B makes fun of me all the time because I seriously need it.
5:: One day I hope to be on the Price is Right, with my mom in the audience because she rocks at that game OR Wheel of Fortune… I think our family would kill it on Family Feud!
6:: I’m obsessed with college football… I know more than my husband (not about the game itself but like rankings and which school is better etc…) I am quite proud of that!
7:: I have trained my hair to go at least three days without washing it, I’m pretty proud of that fact considering that my hair doesn’t seem so dry anymore (don’t worry I still take showers).
8:: I’ve had over 50 roommates in the last 10 years. Glad I just have one now for forever (oh crap probably sappy HA)!
9:: Most people think I’m this person who is super outspoken person who has this tough outer shell, but truth is my feelings get hurt super easy. I’d say 98% of the time I try to brush off those hurt feelings.
10:: I constantly have the goosebumps. I don’t know what it is, but I get them so easily, and I always have them. Yeah what’s the point in shaving my legs… UGH!
11:: I knew from the moment I had a real conversation with B that I would marry him. It just took 2 years for him to come to his senses!

Jenn’s questions:
1:: What is your favorite movie soundtrack? A whole soundtrack?! Hmm that’s hard, does Newsies count, or any musical for that matter!!
2::What is your favorite go-to pair of shoes?  Boots, my black riding boots, you can dress them up or down, they are essential to any wardrobe for sure!
3::What is your biggest guilty pleasure? I would say reality TV or a good book. Once I’m sucked in I can’t help it. Oh wait, and Monopoly on the iPad…
4::What's your favorite smell in the entire world? B’s cologne/aftershave/bodywash all in the same category I guess and my mom’s cooking!
5::If you could take ANY class, what would it be?  Honestly floral design or sewing. I would love to use my creativity more! Oh or a really hardcore cooking class, I just think that would be fun!
6::What is your all time favorite junk food? As mentioned before chocolate… ANYTHING, but I have an addiction most to the chocolate ice cream.
7::What is your favorite day?  (Could be day of week, holiday ect...) I love Saturday mornings, Christmas Eve, and of course my Birthday…
8::I often say that many things are a "nightmare."  Explain what your absolute worst nightmare would be…  Waking up and I’m the last person on earth. I get the goosebumps thinking about it.
9:: If you got to live any love story (from history, movies, books ect) which one would you choose? Wow good question… this is hard because there are so many great ones to choose from. I do love Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice but I would like to think my love story is just as wonderful, it could seriously be a movie!
10:: As of right now, what is your number one personal goal and career goal. Personal goal – lose like a 1000 pounds… Career goal – get back into the classroom, how I love teaching history!
11:: List one thing you wish you had the guts to do right now. Quit my job and travel the world…

Tagged Bloggers:
Man I’m pretty sure everyone I would have tagged has already been tagged, but honestly if you haven’t done it yet then do it!! Here are some of my questions!!
1:: Name the top 3 moments of your life.
2:: If you chose no legs or no arms what would you chose to live without? Why?
3:: If you could live in any TV show or movie what would it be and why?
4:: Would you rather go forward two weeks or backward two weeks? Why?
5:: What was the last thing that bothered you?
6:: Name one habit you have that you wish you didn’t.
7:: What are you looking forward to?
8:: Name something that is super popular right now that you totally think is dumb.
9:: When was the last time you cried really hard, like ugly cry?
10:: Who do you think knows you the best?
11:: If you won the lottery what would you do with your cash?

1 comment:

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

awesome. I almost tagged you, but then i wanted to tag people with less than 200 followers.

these are always fun to read about people.