Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Taylor... Best Wedding Ever!

Oh HEY! I'm still alive no worries, just getting back to real life after a week and a half off is super hard. I can't believe that my wedding came and went, it's so crazy. It's something that you wait your whole life for and in 3 days it was over. Sort of a blur, but I'm loving all the pictures that everyone took so I can forever re live that most awesome day(s). I took the week off of work which was the best idea ever, because we were so busy, but B and I also got to have some good quality time together before our big day and before my family arrived. I highly recommend that!
Getting our wedding license
My mom, dad, and Mariah arrived Tuesday night with a truck load of things and from then on it was just go go go! My mom spend all day Wednesday shopping, while we go things set up for the luncheon and reception. By that evening the rest of my family was here and I love that we were all here together! Thanks to Emma's sister all of my family stayed in one house and that helped out a ton too! Mariah, Maddie, and I stayed at Mariah's apartment and just had some sister bonding time before the big day, it was fun, and I was trying to keep my nerves down to a minimum. I hadn't heard from my photographer so I was stressing about that (I know a dumb thing to stress about), but still I think I tripled checked everything. My hair appointment was the next morning at 7:00 a.m. so I didn't sleep that good. I didn't want to be late or sleep in or anything. My friend Tenille got me a gift certificate to get my hair done for my wedding and it was the best present ever, her sister did amazing! The best gift that morning was that my dearest Maid of Honor Jenn walked through the door at 7:00 a.m. too!! She seriously slept maybe 4 hours just to make sure we spent quality time together before it was a blur of things to do! I'm so glad she was there, she made me feel a lot better and my nerves seemed to go away! Plus she bought me breakfast, she's the best seriously, love her!

When I got back to my house it was already chaotic so I finished getting ready and just sort of waited for the time to pass! B just called me once to let me know he was ready and leaving Rigby and then it was time to get to the temple! While I was there I just tried to take a mental note about everything that happened. Mostly though I felt peace and love. When we walked into the sealing room I felt so an enormous sense of love it took my breath away. Which then equaled tears and I don't think I stopped crying until I left, it was so beautiful. There were so many people who I love that sat in that room, and B's Mission President even came (which surprised him most of all), it was overwhelming. Most importantly I got married to my best friend, and that was the best part (even if his hands were a little sweaty)!  I was just so happy to finally be there to finally call him my husband. There were many hugs, tears, and rejoicing, I'd like to think heaven will be a little that way! It was the best day ever, and one I'll never forget!

It was crazy to be the ones exiting the temple together, it's usually the other way around and I'm cheering on the loved one, but this time it was me. I had a lot of those moments actually! B and I were just so happy, and we got lots of pictures taken and the weather was perfect for pictures! It started to rain a little once we left and I was freaking out because our reception was outside, but more on that later! We headed to the luncheon where I actually got to talk to my family and be there with them, and we watched the slideshow which turned out fab thanks to Jenn!
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
Jenn, Maddie, and Mariah... my bridesmaids!
My brothers and me! Love them!
Baby Gracie... love her dress right?! Cutest niece ever!
My parents and us...
My family (for some reason no one took pictures of B's family, so we'll just have to wait for out photographer to get done with our photos)
The weather turned nasty and quick, it was windy and freezing not to mention rain. I just prayed really really hard it would turn out OK. Guess what?! Right before the reception started the wind stopped and the sun came out and it was beautiful! The Bishop and his wife let us have our reception in their backyard and it turned out amazing. I just love them and they've done so many things for us, so it was perfect! We had a great time, and the Italian Soda's were a hit! It was great to see so many of our friends from the ward and B's family too!
Part of the Rexburg reception
Trying to stay warm at the Rexburg reception!
Decorated car with melted whip cream (oh and cookies that took forever to wash off)
Yes, even the inside!
We spent the night at Destinations Inn (which was so fantastic) and the next day we headed to Parma. We even stopped at the Eastern Idaho State Fair and Twin Falls for ol' time sake. Not an ideal honeymoon, but we made it fun because that's how we roll!

Saturday is also a blur. We literally spent ALL day working on the reception. From the yard to the food. I have an amazing family, they all worked so hard. They put in a lot of time and effort to make sure I had the reception of my dreams and it totally was! It was beyond perfect! Hyrum's yard was amazing, and the food was amazing too! We had homemade tomato soup thanks to my mom and aunt Mary for you know basically inventing a recipe, veggies, grilled cheese, cake pops, brownies, and water! So many people came to give us well wishes and good thoughts, we also got to see the kids for a couple hours too! It was seriously perfect! I didn't want it to end, but with Blaylock tradition we had an awesome dance party, and my siblings never cease to make me laugh. Mariah was especially crazy!
Groom's cake (B's surprise), cake pops, and the wedding cake
Coolest cake ever right?!
Cute boy Parker! Love him!
Mom's old living room furniture we painted for the reception!
Tables, dance floor, and the amazing view of Parma
Oh the amazing Hansen girls, seriously love them!
Mom and Dad under the willow tree!
Love this picture, and cute Liam who loves B more than me, pretty sure!
Cheese ball Tajia, and her cute dress!
Honestly, cutest picture ever, Parker is a mini B!
Shots of the great food!
Yummy cake...
Tossing the bouquet!
First dance...
Grandkids... poor Reece... ha!
Love them and their matching dresses...
Tajia and her new Aunt Mariah and Aunt Maddie
Dancing the night away!
The lights! It was seriously beautiful...
Our new family!
To say it was the best weekend ever was an understatement. Seriously it was beyond perfect and beyond what I could have ever imagined. I loved every second of it, even if I was stressed or worried, it all ended up being perfectly fine. Thank you to everyone who came, and who helped, it was just the best wedding ever! Enjoy some awesome pictures!! I'm sure there will be many to come!


Trista G said...

Congratulations Savanna! I am so glad that you had your perfect day, you totally deserve it!

Jenn said...

Love this!! So happy I was able to be a part of it :) Love you MRS. Taylor!

Emily said...

I am so happy for you Savanna! I am so sad I couldn't make it :( But I am glad it went well. Congratulations!!

Jessica said...

Well, I'm glad you have a very detailed blog and someone took lots of pics cause now I feel like I sort of was there! You looked amazing and it sounds like everything turned out well. So happy for ya! Can't wait to see you hopefully soon!!

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

congrats on being married and congrats on having such a fun day.