Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pretty Much Oprah

I love what Jenn said today in her blog:

Seriously, go and read it, because it's freaking awesome. I have a sister who is still in HS and it's actually quite comical how some people act. I, like Jenn, have no idea how I would have survived with the social media all up in my business. I got a cell phone at the end of my senior year, and I think more often than not I left it at home. I mean who needs that, jesh! Pretty funny. (Or you can be like my husband who had a pager in HS, like he's a doctor or something... "call me B"... HAHAHA)!

Anyway, I agree that high schoolers can be mean. For example this popped up on my feed last night - "Yeah I'm talking to you, I saw you flirting with my bf at school, that's why I am calling you out, and yeah that shirt you were wearing was so 2008." With her name tagged in the post. Like 30 people had liked that status, and then another 15 were like "OMG you're so brave for calling her out". How is that bravery for one? You typed words onto a computer. Two how is calling someone out bravery? Running into a burning building to save someone's life, that's bravery. Laws.

Its funny that Jenn wrote the same thoughts in her blog as I was having today. Just because well there are so many times when I want to write something to someone on Facebook, not because I can't say it to their face, but because I think that will really stick it to them then. Public humiliation. #meangirl. It's awful, and I promise that I reprimanded myself. Ok but I'm going to insert one caveat here, if you post one more picture of yourself with a #I'msougly just to get attention, then maybe you had it coming.

I like what Jenn said the most though, Facebook makes you seem cooler than you really are. People only take pictures when they are having a good hair day, on an awesome vacay, doing something fun, or feeling good. The crappy, normal, mundane things of life usually don't get documented. So it's not really the actual truth. I follow Kylie and Kendall Jenner on Instagram and do I get jealous of their "so-called" perfect life, sure maybe a little. Then I remember, they don't have everything I do, and maybe I really don't want their life (ok so I'll take their clothes and house, I'll pass on Kris Jenner as a mom). Anyway, it's OK  live your life, be happy, and make others happy.

Ok, there is my wisdom for the day...

#prettymuchOprah #kidding


Jenn said...

hahaha! and THAT is one of the many reasons that we are BFF. Love you!

Jessica said...

Well said. :)