Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Weekend with Hyrum!

Hyrum came up this weekend and what a delight that was. He’s a blessed soul. Friday we (being Sarah, Me, Hyrum) went to I.F. where Hyrum attended a reception and Sarah and I went to K-Mart. I cannot tell you the last time I was in that store, but we found some GREAT clothes that were dirt cheap. I mean I spent $35 and got 4 articles of clothing, that’s a STEAL! After we picked Hyrum back up we went to Target so Hyrum could purchase some clothes and then off to Alex’s. We decided to crash a party he was having, it was a great time!

Saturday we woke up and chilled that morning. Around 2 we headed out to the sand dunes for a slip-n-slide adventure. It was at Egan Lakes, and we had to take a four-wheeler to get there! The slide was so much fun, and it had a great jump at the end of it.

After that we went to the International Folk Dance Festival Opening Ceremonies at the BYUI Stadium. It was a great time, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Hyrum of course was in love with the Mexicans and Melissa was obsessed with the Russians (hard to say why!) Anyway, we laughed a lot and had tons of fun. Katie also came up so afterwards we partied it up at our house, and then off to bed. We’ve had to switch wards and so now church starts at 8:30 in the A.M.! Compared to what we had before which was 1:30 P.M.! It was a little rough but I think that it’s going to be ok, because now I’ll get my Sunday nap!
Hyrum and his Mexicans!


MegEddins said...

Sav! It looks like you are having a fun summer back in the good ol' Rexburg. That slide at the sand dunes looks so fun I will have to tell Val about it. Good to see that you are blogging- take care!

Melissa said...

ummmm where's my pic with the Russians!? you know I love them!! Oh those Russians!!!!