Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday America!!

Summer is in full swing around here. July is always jam packed with events and festivities. That is probably why it is one of my more favorite months, mostly because I love the 4th of July. It's my most favorite holiday behind Christmas. I wasn't planning on going home this year but Austin and Kenz were traveling through and offered to give me a ride from Burley, and Jenn came down so I caught a ride back up with her. It worked perfect actually!
Ok so first of all, I love Liam. I know I say that a lot, but I love him so much. He's so cute, and he just gets bigger every time I see him. I got to share the back seat with him, and this is what I got to experience most of the car ride home:
I love the 4th of July. I love everything about it, from the weather to the BBQ's. I even stopped at good ol Rocky Mtn. Fireworks and purchased a good amount of fireworks. Saturday was probably the most eventful day, Jenn spent most of the day with our family and we went hiking to Jump Creek (hardcore), and got a Scotch and Soda from Boy's Better Burger. I also realize this whenever I go home, but I just love where I grew up. I love the people, the wide open space, the crazies, just well everything. It's crazy how much my hometown is a huge part of me. I know Parma is a special place, whenever I meet someone and I tell them where I am from, I often hear, there are so many awesome people from there. What can I say, we are pretty special! Anyway, that night some friends came over for a fire and of course a prequel of fireworks. I was so tired, because I had been up since 6:00 am, but I managed to last through most of it. The next day was the Sabbath, and I got to sing all of my favorite American Hymns. We then had another BBQ and talked to my grandparents. Bless them, they are a little crazier in their old age, but I love them! Then we started getting ready for the fireworks. Jenn, Jeff, Smitty, Kelli, and the Searle's rounded out our party. It was a good show, and I just love mostly watching the others set them off. Happy Birthday America!
Also, whilst I was home, my mom and dad are busy prepping for my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary celebration and family reunion that is coming up this next weekend. So my mom is in full cleaning mode. We sort of have a hoarder room (don't judge we all have a space somewhere where we just pile crap), and I helped my mom do that. I should have taken before and after pictures, but then my mom would have been mortified with the before pics. HA! I also rented a 53 foot water slide, oh man, I'm so excited. There will definitely be pictures of that!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Cute pics! I'm glad we were all able to be home. I heart Parma, Friends, Fireworks, Family and America :) :)