Friday, August 31, 2012

Goodbye Ms. Blaylock!

This is probably the last time I'll have a chance to really write anything down or blog until after I'm married.


Last night I had another bridal shower put on by my dearest BFF Sarah. It was delightful and I had a really great time just talking and spending time with my future family and my dearest friends. I love it because everyone really thought about something I need and want and so I'm taken care for my wedding. Makes my heart full!
Look at that amazing food! All of my favorites!
Red Velvet Brownies!
7 Layer Dip
Of course my beverage of choice...
Amanda and Brittany

It's crazy to think that I'm getting married, and saying goodbye to single-hood. Something I've known for 10 years. I've had some amazing roommates and great memories. Honestly I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I have learned so much about life and about who I am that is only going to make married life better. Granted I've made mistakes, and I could have done things maybe a little differently but that's part of life. I feel like the last day of the semester when you are all packed up and it's time to say goodbye to your roommates. It's so bittersweet. Knowing you've created awesome memories and you'll miss it but knowing the future is going to be another great and wonderful adventure. I know though that I'm getting  a really good roommate now, HA!

To all those who've helped me this far in life I'll be forever grateful, each person that I have formed a friendship with as taught me something about life and living it. To my friends who have been with me for the past couple years and letting me cry on your shoulder about B and who knows what else (like endless emails, messages, etc..), thank you! To my family who is working so hard to make sure I have the best day ever, I can't express how much I love you. Finally to my B, I love you, I'm so excited to be Mrs. Taylor, and to laugh every day of forever with you!

Don't worry you know I'll take a ton of pictures, and have the best time, we all know I love to party! Hope to see you there!

Much love, 
Savy B

1 comment:

Russ and Michelle said...

Awww Savy B... I'll miss calling you that, but I guess Savy T sounds pretty darn good too! :] Can't wait to see you thursday!!