Monday, November 12, 2012

Family Picture Time

This past weekend we made a fast trip down to Parma to take family pictures and go through the Boise Temple Open House. My parents were tour guides so it was the perfect opportunity to head on down to Parma. First of all, all of the babies are growing like weeds. Baby Reece and Baby Grace have now reached the chunky stages and are starting to grow into their personalities! Liam is crazy per usual and sure loves his Uncle B!
Seriously as soon as she said, one... two... three... Reece sneezed sending snot everywhere, we were all laughing so hard. I love it!
Here is my favorite photo of the weekend! It was freezing outside, and Liam wasn't very happy but we managed to get in a good photo. I love the colors of fall, and look at how our family has grown. We added three new people this last year!
We sure wished Tajia and Parker could have been there for our photo shoot, they were the only ones missing, hopefully soon though they will be here for the holidays and we can always have a photo shoot!
The adorable Gracie! Love her, she is such a doll!
Here is Baby Reece... honestly he's just so freaking cute!
We made our final stop at the temple. It was beautiful, and they changed it up quite a bit! It's awesome how many people were there to see it. Liam was the best when he kept saying, this is so pretty, look at all of the sparklies. I can't wait until I get to see the dedication this weekend, the Boise Temple holds a special place in my heart because it's always been my temple. So happy it's finally open!
We spent the rest of the weekend playing games and just relaxing, it was pretty great!
I'm so glad my family isn't too far away that we can see them for a weekend. We are spending Thanksgiving up here with B's family so we won't be back again until Christmas. It was so great to finally have B make the annual family photo, he was so excited that he'll officially be in the Christmas Card this year!

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