Thursday, November 29, 2012

Let the Holiday's Begin!

Holy cow I've got to hurry and update! It's almost December, jesh! We had a lot going on over here. B in head deep in homework as the semester is fast approaching its end. He's done amazing this semester having 18 credits, plus being a newlywed, and well just doing my bidding. Its been fun though!

Thanksgiving was awesome. We spent the weekend in Rigby. Well the day in Rigby. The rest of the time we just kicked it our house. It was a lot of fun, I missed my family, but it was great to spend time with the new family and share in their traditions. A lot of game playing and murder in the dark to finish off the evening. I even managed to get my tree on Black Friday (more on that later). Anyway, during the Thanksgiving break my little sister Mariah even got her mission call... she's going to the Atlanta, GA North Mission. I was so excited for her, she's going to do great and I know her life is going to change. So happy for her! I'm going to miss her up here though, she certainly add drama and excitement to our boring married life! Oh college!
This is what I did Thursday morning, watched B play in the Turkey Bowl, I shopped the Black Friday ads, and relaxed in my slippers!

For FHE on Monday we decided to put up our Christmas Tree and decorations. Since we are on a super tight budget these days we got all of our decorations for our tree at the dollar store. I was super impressed with what you can find there. We had to get our lights at Kmart, but other than that, everything else is from the Dollar Store or a hand me down (thanks mom)! I love Christmas, it's magical, and fantastic. I'm so excited that B and I can celebrate it together this year, and he can experience the magic my mom creates during Christmas!

Also today is Jenn's birthday! Quarter of a Century! I love her and I wish we still lived in the same town to celebrate. Oh the joys of growing up and moving away! Hopefully my present will suffice, all I can say is I'm thankful for her, I'm a better person because of Jenn! Happy Birthday!!

Most importantly I really didn't do my thankful list this year, I'm bad. I'm so thankful for so much, and it's made evident especially the last couple of days how much I am blessed. I have a wonderful husband who makes sure I am happy above all other things, an amazing family who loves me, friends who make sure I'm taken care of, a job so I can have a roof over my head and a place to sleep, and a Heavenly Father who knows exactly what I need! Let the Holiday's begin...

1 comment:

Jenn said...

You always know how to make my birthday feel special! Puhlease, you didn't have to get me anything, but you know I will love anything you get me :) Love you.