Monday, November 19, 2012

Worth It!

I used to be a lot better about my blog, you know every day sort of good. Sadly it’s just once a week these days and I hate that. I don’t know if it’s because I got married and my life isn’t as dramatic or just because I don’t have a lot of things going on?! Either way there is still a lot of great things that happen in my life that I should probably document. Mostly because I’m still a newlywed and I still spend a lot of time with that husband of mine.
This past week was a little rough, I mean B had a huge paper due, and I have been really stressed. Those two things mixed together created the perfect storm in our household. The kind where I am crying for no reason and B just doesn’t feel like talking (which is odd for him). So when I came into work on Friday was really sad and well just miserable. I even said to my co-worker (who has been married for 40 years) “you know being married is really hard sometimes”, and she just flat out laughed at me and said, “That’s the understatement of the year”. She’s like if marriage was easy don’t you think that the divorce rate in this country would be a lot lower? To which I replied well yeah! Just made me think of a quote that Jenn said to me once about love and how it isn’t easy but nothing worth having is easy.
I then thought back to a year ago this weekend, B wanted to break up, because he wasn’t ready to be serious. I just cried and cried, and just well drove home to Parma to wallow in my misery. I just didn’t know how I was going to go on living without him, because I knew he was it! I’m so dramatic I know. Anyway, I just remember having that feeling that it would work itself out and no matter the outcome and I would be happy. Here we are present day and we are married, pretty crazy! I’m just glad I listened to my heart. It wasn’t easy, and in fact it was downright hard, but it was so worth it!
Anyway, to bring this full circle having little fights here and there is nothing compared to what some people go through and B and I still have a long way to go! Also this weekend was the Boise Temple Dedication and one of the talks was about eternal marriage and how it’s SO important. My heart was just so grateful for it all. The ups and the downs, because quite frankly the downs make you appreciate the ups! Struggling right now helps you focus on what’s important! The dedication was beautiful and the spirit was strong, I guess because that temple holds a special place in my heart too, but the prophet was in my temple! My sister got to see him and preform for him and I’m so grateful she got that experience! Once in a lifetime for sure!
Also because I find this so funny I found B sneaking his 4th or 5th cup of hot chocolate last night and I thought it was so funny. He sure loves that Cocomotion!

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