Friday, December 21, 2012

Reason for the Season

Christmas break is finally here. In a few short hours we will be headed to Parma to celebrate with our family for an entire week. How awesome is that? The only thing that will be missing is Tajia and Parker. Hopefully we will be able to see them soon! We miss them!
Anyway, work is always CRAZY this time of year, with a ton of events and things to be done before the year end. Last night B and I went to my company work party, had delish food and laughed! Most awesome part of the work event is prizes, and this year I won this:

That's right an iPad! I couldn't believe it. I seriously tried not to cry to realize that I won an iPad. Merry Christmas to us!

Most importantly I'm so thankful for this beautiful season, it has been extra special for B and I this year as we witnessed so many Christmas miracles this season. Many prayers were answered and we have felt much comfort from so many people. I don't know why December always seems to bring so much trials and heartache but it does. I guess that's why there is Christmas so you can be grateful for everything you have! For my Family Home Evening lesson I told B about the short story the Gift of the Magi. He had never heard it before and it pretty much fits how we both have been feeling this Christmas time. Wanting to give so much but not knowing how. I think that story is just beautiful. How the couple gave up their most precious things in the world for the other. It's also such an awesome time to remember Him. He is the reason for the season, and I love that we dedicate a whole month to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

This year my life has changed more than any other year I've been alive, and it's been wonderful and crazy all at the same time. I wouldn't change one single second. My heart is so full! Be safe, have fun, and most importantly love who you're with, and make some good memories!

Much love and Merry Christmas!

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