Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

Just like that my Christmas break is done and over. Ugh! We had a great time, and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of being in Parma. It was the first time B actually spent some quality time with my family so it was really good. We had a lot of fun, and played lots of games!
My mom loves Christmas, and always makes sure it is so special for all of us. I just love it! I’m so glad B and I were able to be there this year! To start of the festivities Mariah went through the temple on the Saturday before Christmas. I was so happy for her, and since it was so close to Christmas our family was pretty much the only ones in the session. It was pretty cool, even if we got the case of the giggles at one point… don’t worry I repented! Still though it was a great moment to be together, we just missed Maddie! Our family also had to sing in church the next day, and so B was introduced to the Blaylock Family Singers. It turned out really good! That night we had a get together with friends, Jenn, Julene, and Megan all came over and it was a lot of fun. Like old times but now we multiplied our spouses. We laughed a lot per usual, and got caught up on the gossip. A successful night all around! I just love how you can have so much fun with life long friends! Oh and dear Julene your secrets are safe with us, HA!
Mads and B messing around at Hyrum's house! #cheerislife
Christmas Eve is always my favorite. We played some Volleyball, and then we got dinner ready. We have dinner on Christmas Eve just so we can enjoy Christmas! It was ham and funeral potatoes for us and they were so good. Later that night we made gingerbread houses, and then mom let us open our Christmas PJ’s! It was the best. Everyone had a pair, I couldn’t stop laughing at B’s because he looked like Parker. Well I just thought of Parker when he put them on! We took pictures and then dad told us the Christmas Story, in the scriptures! Then it was time for Santa. My mom I guess had asked B to be Santa before but none of us knew about it, and so when he came around the corner I about died. He was perfect (except his skin was a little darker than usual), Liam didn’t know whether to be scared or laugh. So he just sat there, it was so funny. I was laughing so hard because B was making funny jokes, that naughty Santa, jk! It was seriously the best! We also had our traditional white elephant gift exchange. The gift has to cost $0. So it's always way fun!
I freaking love her...
Here we all are, in our PJ's! Thanks mom for making them ALL!
I just love him, he cracks me up all the time!
My white elephant gift! I love a good boob job kit!
B got a diaper filled with "poop" aka Snickers!
This is my sexy Santa. LOL!
Kissing Santa... I'm one good girl!
Dad reading us the real reason of Christmas...
Our gingerbread barn... feeding trough included!

Christmas was also awesome, my mom spoiled us per usual with a lot of clothes, gift cards to our favorite stores, and everything else we wanted! B got a Pea Coat, a drill, and a really nice watch! We also got a lot of decorations to make our house look pretty, and B got 2 pairs of Jordan Shorts oh and his Boston iPhone case he’s been wanting. It was so great! It was the best watching Liam unwrap his toys though, seriously kids make Christmas that much better because they are excited about everything. The best part though was when Maddie got her iPhone. I’m pretty sure she was so surprised! We got my mom a Kindle Fire and she loves it, and dad finally got a smart phone too! Welcome to the 21st Century dad!! HAHA! Both of our family’s spoiled us this year with lots of great gifts, and we appreciate it so much. I just love Christmas, honestly it’s the best day EVER! We played our new games we got that night, and talked to the kids, which is always emotional during the holidays just because it’s hard not to spend it with them. We also played a lot of Mario Kart and Kinect with the new games we got too!
Our First Christmas together!
She's the cutest thing EVER! I love baby Grace!
Let's see we've got Spidey shoes, Batman jammies, and the Hulk. I say that's about right!
B got his drill!
Reece and his suspenders!
This is not Spiderman, she's just a weirdo!
Also during the break we went and saw Les Miserables. So good. The singing and everything just gave me chills the whole time, I don’t know if B was a complete fan of it, because well he’s not used to the whole musical idea, but that’s ok (I’ll continue to break him in). We played a lot of Mario Kart on the Wii and had a lot of fun with the babies. All of them are just so cute!
Les Mis!
It was just a great break, and I’m sad that it’s already over! Mariah leaves on her mission in less than a month now, so we’ll be home again shortly! I just hate putting my Christmas stuff away though and the Christmas music is no longer on the radio, it’s so depressing… Oh well… it’s the last day of 2012 so I can celebrate just a little longer right?! Happy Holidays!

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