Monday, November 9, 2009

Movie Weekend!

This weekend I saw two very different movies:
The 1st -

It was really great, vintage looking actually. I thought a lot about my friend Monica because she would love the music and look of it. There’s even a French song in it. It’s not your typical love story, but it’s good. There are two places in the movie where I seriously cried I was laughing so hard, and other parts where I was crying because it was sad. It’s very good.

The 2nd –

It’s based on a true story. During the majority of it I just kept thinking how blessed I am to live in the time period I do now. They might have had really cool dresses, parties, and fantastic houses, but women had no rights. I highly recommend it, especially if you are in to historical movies, this one is for you.


monica said...

yaaaay! i love 500 days of summer and i LOVE that you thought of me! thats what i like to hear! oh and i love that you enjoyed it.

i almost watched the duchess i just dont really like that kira knightly actress...dang it.

Emily said...

Oh man I watched the Duchess and decided my single girlfriends are not allowed to stay at my house when I am married. :) I love movie nights! I just watched Be Kind Rewind. Tehe! I love reading your blog! So entertaining.