Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Being "Busy"

I love a good "to-do" list, OK so I love checking things off a list because it makes me feel accomplished; however, when you have 10 lists well that can have the opposite effect.

I swear one of my check boxes was:
"finish to do list #1"... pathetic.

Which leads me to something I've been thinking about a lot lately, about being "busy". People at work use it all the time, I'm so busy I can't help you or I'm so busy can you finish this project for me, or more importantly I'm just so busy I never have time to relax. I'm guilty of the latter. When B calls to ask me how my day was I say "busy", and that equates to a fulfilled day, when actually I hussled my way around trying to feel or be busy. When I come home from work I just think of all the things I have to get done, all the bills that need paid, when actually I just want to come home and sit down and enjoy my dinner. Isn't that what's wrong with our society? If we don't feel busy or look to be busy we feel like we are lazy? Uh no, I want to start a movement of relaxing. Relaxing or distressing is essential to your life, and B knows that sometimes I have to tell him to just sit down and talk to me. Granted things need to get done, but sometimes it's OK to just SIT.

So sit down, meditate, watch TV, read a book, or whatever you want, but stop using "busy" and an excuse. I used the term "I was too busy" like 10 times already today and I realized that is dumb. If you have things to do, awesome, get them done, but at the bottom of the to-do list should be this:

Enjoy this moment, relax and take the time to love life. Stop being so busy already!!

Need more encouragement, read this blog: