Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wedding News and a New Car!

How can it be August? Honestly now. I used to have to countdowns going on in my head one for what my wedding day was supposed to be (August 16th) and one that it actually is (September 6th). No worries though, we received the best news of all last Monday, an official letter from the First Presidency granting us permission to get married in the temple. It was a sweet relief to see that letter in the mailbox. B just happened to still be home so I ran inside and gave it to him and was already bawling. He just opened it up and said "well, there you go". I was jumping up and down crying, he acted like it was everyday news. HA! I guess he just knew it would come in time, hindsight we could have kept the same date, but it's that's OK. I will take what I can get! So it is official, September 6th, 11:00 am in the Rexburg Temple (and it's not MOVING)!

We've also been car shopping, ugh, seriously it was pretty hard for us. We just couldn't agree on anything, and I kept saying if we could make it through buying a car we can make it through marriage. It took compromise on both of our sides but found just what we were looking for at the right price! A 2006 Volvo XC90 with all the bells and whistles, and after getting it all cleaned up it looks fantastic. I love it, and even though it's a family car I still feel pretty awesome driving it. We got it for a great price and I know we'll love driving it for the next 10 years, HA!

We are fast approaching the end of the summer which means only a few more weeks left in Twin Falls, and then school starts. It is so crazy. This past weekend was spent just getting more things ready to go and picking up our car in Utah. We hitched a ride down there and drove the car back, and we even got to visit with Jenn for an hour or so. The last time I actually saw her was Christmas, so she still hadn't seen my ring or anything. So good to see her and her fabulous new apartment! 

I've also LOVED watching the Olympics. It is my favorite. I'm sad it's almost over!

Most importantly, happy birthday to my beautiful mother. She's 50 today! Isn't that crazy, I hope I look as good as her when I turn 50! I wish I could be there to celebrate! Happy Birthday to most important woman in my life, I would be lost without you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My dear Savanna,
What a special time for you!!! I'm so happy for that important letter! That day is just around the corner! I'm so excited to see you in all your white splendor. You've waited along time and hasn't it been worth the wait! Best wishes for you. I sure love you. Enjoy these next few weeks! See you soon!