Monday, August 13, 2012

Crunch Time!

It's crunch time! 24 days to go! Isn't that just insane! I'm so giddy, but there's a lot to be done! Saturday, Sunday, and tonight I'm sure have been filled with stuffing and organizing announcements. It's such a relief to know that the date we picked will actually work. They turned out great, and I'm more than excited to send them out! I guess that makes it all the more real. My friend Clint did an amazing job creating them, I love that he lives in my head when I ask him to create something, it turns out perfect!

Hyrum and Emma came down this weekend and it was so good to see them, even for a day. We had fun just hanging out and grilling some good food, thanks to B! That Grace sure is a growing. She's seriously so darling and I'm excited to watch her grow up, she's got some catching up to do if she's going to beat Reece!

The puzzled look!
Such a happy girl! Love her bow!

What an exciting time in my life honestly, it's just like one of those moments where you sometimes have to pause and be like, this is my life and I can't believe I'm stuffing envelopes for my wedding, or making arrangements for the reception or whatever. This morning Jenn and I were talking about having faith that things happen for a reason, and knowing that God's timing is ultimately what you always need. 

I'm collecting photos for my wedding slideshow and I found some GREAT college photos. I'm sure my next post will be about all those crazy things I did back then. I mean honestly who jumps off a bridge in the pitch black? Oh wait we did! 

Happy Monday!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can't wait to meet that baby! I want to kiss her cheeks :) :)
WEDDING, WEDDING, WEDDING :) can't wait. ohhh myyyy goshhhh. So excited.