Friday, June 4, 2010


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some Facebook. I've had a profile since the early dawn of Facebook time. Recently I did a  Facebook friends cleanse.  Really, it was liberating, HA! Not really, since most of the people I deleted I didn't even know.  I have a dilemma though, recently I've been super annoyed with some people constantly status updating, and promoting their products. I can't delete them as a friend, and I feel like if I hide them I might miss out on something important. It's like a Catch-22...eek! It's crazy how much I can check Fbook in one day (I have it has an app on my phone), and it really is liberating to not check it for a few days. It gets scary because I'm afraid I will miss something (which I did, an engagement and some pictures, but whatever they were still on there when I returned). But seriously, try it out. Don't check it for a day or two (take a vacation), and it's crazy how much you miss it. Don't worry I'm not one of those Fbook haters who bashes on it the whole time but still checks it regularly to stalk people, I love it, and I'll never give it up! Here is a video that I found that I just thought was so funny, so enjoy!


Becky Clinton said...

I read, or heard, somewhere that 150 is the most friends one can handle, whether in the flesh or on fb. Purging is good.

NelliePrice said...

that video was good!! I myself have a love/hate relationship with FB. I have the app too...I'm taking your challenge!!!