Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Journey and Southern Accents

Last night was the season finale of Glee. It was so good; I can't even explain how much I love that TV show. I laughed, cried, and even got Goosebumps last night. I only wish I would have been smart and creative enough to come up with a show like that. I also loved it because of Journey, I love when they sing their songs, and my dreams came true last night when they sang 3 count them 3 songs. Bliss! I also finished my book last night (City of Glass – so good), and I'm also done with a book that I've been listening to. It's called The Help. Ok so one, I'm listening to it, so the actresses reading it use southern accents, so now I think in a southern accent, and I'm pretty sure sometimes I've even said things with a southern accent and ya'll a couple of times. It's NUTS, and it just shows me how much my brain absorbs what I listen to… Anyway, this book is life changing. It's about 2 black maids and 1 white rich girl in the South during the 1960's and Civil Rights Movement. I'll give a full book report when I'm completely done with it. What is crazy is even though I've studied that time period and written papers about it, I never GOT it until now. I get it, and I know that's crazy for someone like ME to say, but this book has opened my eyes. I was listening to it at work and someone asked me (rudely) to do something for them, I almost shouted at them, I am liberated, I HAVE RIGHTS, and I don't have to do anything I don't want!!! Then I reminded myself I needed to calm down, that I am Savanna, and I live in Idaho, and its 2010… ha ha! More to come later… I promise (ya'll)!

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