Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the World? Here's my Bucket List!

Since I saw Wicked and it was on my Bucket List, I figured I better start getting to the rest of my list. And because supposedly the world is ending today! Well OK just write it down at least because most of my list takes money. So here is what I can think of!
- Kiss a random stranger, and I mean kiss, like Hollywood kiss!
- Celebrate New Year's Eve at Times Square
- See the following artists in concert: David Cook (again), Beyonce, Justin Bieber, and NSYNC (here's hoping they will do a reunion tour!)
- Walk into a store and buy something without looking at the price tag
- Go on a cruise
- Dine and ditch... (I know not honest but rebellious)
- Kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower
- Run a 5k
- Attend a movie premier
- Go to the Super Bowl or OK just a NFL game
- Ride the Subway
- Visit Rome and Vatican City
- See every major historical site in America
- Zip-line in Mexico
- Own a Toyota 4-Runner

OK I know there are more on my list, so when I think of them I'll totally add them. As I was thinking about my list most of it is traveling to places I've seen in movies or read about. Oh well, traveling is a good goal right? Here's to saving my money and loving every minute of the last day of the end of the world :)!

1 comment:

Party of Five said...

So you can come with me when I take an rv across America visiting historical sites(that's from my bucket list) in about 6 or 7 years. Home schooling the kids for a year while we go. You can be my kids history teacher! Oh wait..... That's the only thing I'm good at..... How are you at math?:o)