Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Loco, Coach, and Bowling...

I cannot believe it's May already. That's crazy talk! Here are a few of the going on's in my world the past 5 days or so:

The Royal Wedding - so fantastical. I'm a pop culture junkie anyway (seriously it's bad), but this was the epitome of my week. The fashion, the glitz, the modern princess story... and don't even get me started on the hats people wore. LOVED IT! Granted I am a glad it's over so we can talk about other things in the world... But her wedding dress (well in fact both of them) were probably the most perfect things EVER. My future wedding dress is going to look like one of those, mark my words!

Kiwi Loco - our new place. It's frozen yogurt and it's amazing. They have the Girlscout Cookie Samoa flavor. SAY WHAT? And it's a really chill place. We went for $1 night and Megan and I scored this sweet shirts (mostly because there were cloggers there and we hollering loud for them, because seriously we know exactly how they felt).
My New Coach Bag - anyone who knows me knows how much I love purses. I've been wanting a Coach since well the dawn of time. I just never found one that I loved so much to spend that much money on. But my dream has been fulfilled. I bought one, and it's beautiful and more importantly after taxes it cost right around $100. So pretty much $200 off... um yes I know I snatched that right up. See I have patience... and it was so worth it. I love it so much!
Fast Five - Um yeah I loved this movie. I love Paul Walker, I love the Rock (minus the facial hair please), and I love love love Vin Diesel (I mean c'mon that voice). It was actually a great story, and the surprise (after the credits) was GREAT. I went with some of the crew and we had a great time. Seriously going to a movie with Anthony is entertainment in itself, that kid fully engages himself into the film. So when someone gets punched it's like he's getting punched. Oh funny but I love it!

Sunday Game Night - we've been doing this for a couple months now, but seriously we get crazy. New people come and join but the same people are usually there. We play random games, or just sit around and talk. I'm excited for when it actually gets warm we can go outside and enjoy the warm weather. Riana made some AMAZING Texas Sheet Cake, wow, it was so good, that needs to become a tradition too!! Oh Sunday's!
Me, Mariah, and Anthony at game night!
FHE Bowling - I love bowling, but usually only hover around a 100 or so. I'm not kidding I did so good yesterday. 1st game was 124 and 2nd game was 147. And someone still beat me. SO RUDE! We had so much fun though, meeting new people and more importantly talking trash to our opponents!
That's right I Turkey'd at the last frame. Booyah!
Riana and I we are bowling machines!
Ok seriously 147. But Brother Zollinger had to go and be all competitive and rock it the last frame.
Quality Time with the Sister - Mariah and I spent most of Saturday together, tanning, pedicures, and dinner. I'm so glad she's up here. I love her so much and yes I love all the drama that comes in her life, because it makes me realize no matter if you're 18 or 26 life never gets any easier (or different for that matter). On Sunday she made the most amazing enchiladas. Seriously so good, I'm going to have to use that recipe from now on.
Pedi! I love when I can actually show it off!
The countdown for Wicked has begun, 11 days people, I seriously CANNOT wait!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Ok, that post was JAMMED packed with goodness!! You rock at bowling :) Your toes are ADORABLE :) and wow... just so much fun. Miss your FACE.