Wednesday, June 8, 2011

CrossFit = Holy Crap I Can't Walk

So I've started doing a type of exercise call CrossFit, or in other words it is so intense you can't walk for three days. I go three times a week, and so far it's kicking my trash. Anyway, you have to set goals, mine are pretty pathetic but if I can accomplish them by the end of the summer I'm going to be one happy camper! One of them being able to do 1 pull-up. To me, that is the ultimate sign of strength. In the process I'm pretty sure I'm going to die. For a one hour workout I've never felt so much! Here is the gym that I'm going to and also there are some videos on the website that show you what CrossFit is all about.

I mean seriously, you should see me trying to walk right now, it's comical. That's what 50 squats will do to you!

Side note - Almost wedding time. 2 more weeks! And also another random thought, I really appreciate and love people who can calm me down during my moments of freak out. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you, hey you'll be just fine. Thank you kind souls, love you much!

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