Monday, April 23, 2012

Twin Falls and Back

This weekend couldn't have been more perfect. When I decide to do things that are unplanned it seems to work out better. I had all these things planned for this weekend that HAD to get done from packing to finally cutting my hair, but when B asked me if I would like to go to Twin Falls with him I thought it would be a great adventure. So we left at like 7 in the morning, stopped in Blackfoot for some breakfast... saw the nastiest looking woman wearing Uggs and a booty shorts (seriously so many awkward moments from this trip), and then finished our trip to Twin. It was so good to just have one-on-one time with B, it's crazy how we always have something to talk about, and I always learn new things about him.

We made a stop at Shoshone Falls before he decided to start working, and it was a delight. Perfect Saturday and a lot of interesting people. I've found that whenever I'm with B random people just talk to us. I don't know if that's because of him, and his personality but everyone just feels the need to talk to us about random things. We even saw a man take off his shirt and do a couple Yoga poses while his embarrassed daughter took pictures. So funny. This is one of the reasons that I love B so much, we think so much alike, so when we both saw what this guy was doing we burst out laughing. I always tell B how much I love going to National Parks and historic places because well I'm a history major! He then replies with I'll go wherever you tell me, acting so disinterested, but behold:
Evidence that he too loves a good historic informational board! Caught ya!
 Here we are, we don't look like tourists do we?
 He looks so much like Parker when he does this face...
 I sure do love him, and everything he does with me!
 A must see!
 Impersonating Yoga man...
Oh and Titanic
After Shoshone Falls (and our $3 entry fee to which we paid in Quarters), we headed to the Temple. It's a mini Rexburg Temple. It was so beautiful outside and we had a look around. After B drove around for a little while looking at places he could sell, we decided to go to Target. We had registered at Macy's the night before, so Target was our next stop. The boy was crazy with that scanner! It was a lot of fun, and we laughed a lot at all the random things we could register for... don't worry I don't want cat food! After spending a good hour and half there we were starving so we went to Five Guys Burger and Fries. It was so good. (Another awkward moment to which I'll share on Thursday). We headed to the mall and had a great time looking at every Nike and Jordan shoe available and of course, people watching. That's our most favorite thing to do.

We then headed home and had a really great drive, it was a beautiful evening. Stopped at Red Lobster for some King Crab, and then crashed in Rexburg watching Hulu.
 Ok, so this boy of mine can eat crab like nothing I've ever seen before. It really is an art.

Sunday was another gorgeous day. After church we made some great dinner and then relaxed. It was such a great day outside so we went to Porter Park. Ok so the BYUI dating scene is a whole other post in itself. I saw way too many boys doing stupid hand stands, girls pretending to not know how to skateboard, and of course a LOT of flirting and wrestling around. So funny. I want to make a movie about it all, oh wait, I think that's already been done. It's like as soon as it's warm everyone is out and about, and so are the hormones!

To top it off, we found this picture on the sidewalk:
Only in Rexburg, would you find this drawing. It was so odd, haha. What a great weekend. I loved just spending it with B, because honestly there's never a dull moment when he's around... plus he makes me laugh all the time. I sure do love him, and I will remember this weekend always.

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