Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Car Accident and Reunion!

Talk about a weekend. One that I won't forget, for several reasons, most importantly being this:
B and I experienced our first major car accident. It was scary, and honestly now I know why it's scary to drive after something like that happens. I went to pick up B in Twin Falls after work and we left later than we had expected, but B has a DVD player in his car so we figured we would be fine for the short drive to Boise.  We had just filled up with gas and were on our way out of town when we were stopped at a light. The light turned green but the two cars in front of us weren't moving, it looked like the car didn't know how to drive stick or something. B was commenting on how he was bothered when people don't go on a green light when BAM. Totally rear ended by a big Ford Truck, and we totally hit the car in front of us. The back windshield was completely popped out and the trunk was just smashed into a lump. B was a little out of it when it first happened and that was the scariest part because I thought maybe something had happened to him, but I think it was just shock. No one was seriously injured thank goodness, and just had some bruises and bumps.  My biggest bruise is from B, we are pretty sure he grabbed me when it happened and so he gave me a nice big bruise on my leg! B has a bad back anyway so that didn't help it at all, we are going to be seeing the chiropractor a lot in the next couple of months! I was seriously just so happy that we were all ok, and then I walked behind and saw how bad it really was and then I lost it. The Black Mamba was totaled. I was so sad, that car has a lot of sentimental value to me. I know it's just a "thing" and we will get a new car, but I fell in love with B in that car. We had a breakup in that car, and when he first drove that car into my driveway I was like "oh nice car"... When they were loading onto the tow truck I was just sad, because well we had decided to keep that car for a long time. Now we have to look for a new one, and I know it's going to be hard process, because well it's a big deal! Later after it is over you realize all the tiny miracles that happened. My feet were on the dash when we were hit, so if the air bags would have went off (which they didn't, and the firemen were perplexed by that) I would have two broken legs. Then I would be in a wheelchair for my wedding. We both were wearing our seat belts which also saved us, and no one was in the back seat. The car that hit us has insurance so we are also grateful for that. Hopefully everything goes smoothly, and we will have a good story to tell our kids later.
 B watching the Malibu get towed away
 Drivers side. B's seat was also completely busted
We decided just to drive home after the accident since we knew we wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. We got to Parma around 3:00 a.m. and crashed. The next afternoon was my 10 year class reunion. The whole reason for traveling down to Parma in the first place. It was actually really great to see some of my old classmates, and I'm glad we went. It was good to catch up and reminisce about the old days. I cannot believe it's been 10 years and everyone looked great and seemed super happy!  
Some of us that stuck around for the picture, several people had left already (it was hot)! Mind you there's only 52 people in our graduating class!
We also got to spend time with my brothers. It was so nice just to chill and enjoy each others company. Their kids are all growing up so fast and soon we will have 3 toddlers running around instead of just Liam. We missed my seeing my parents by a couple hours, but they had so much in Hawaii. I can't wait to see my souvenirs! 
Baby Reece and Baby Grace! 
The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy around here, so not having our own car will be inconvenient, but I am so grateful that everything will be taken care of and we can continue to work and prepare for the wedding. Today I get to see my dress completely done and I cannot wait! 

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