Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh Liam, and the Rest of the Weekend!

I didn't take a lot of pictures this weekend (don't worry my mother did though), and all I really have is videos. Four to be exact and yes they are ALL of my precious boy Liam.
He was quite excited to do fireworks, even if they are just poppers. He loved sparklers too, I wish I could celebrate the 4th with him!
This next video Liam was asking me where B was. I'm pretty sure he loves B more than his aunt Nanna. Still though, it was so cute he was asking me "Where's B?"
Liam LOVES to dance, and he always makes my mom do Dance Central with him. My mom is actually really amazing at the game, and so is Liam. Even if he does get distracted.
More Dance Central, but this time he got distracted by Eddie. Sure do love him!

We went home for Baby Grace's baby blessing, and it ended up being a weekend of multiple family reunions! It's always so great to see Emma's family. They are so fun and nice. It was also my Great Aunt Pat's 60th Wedding Anniversary party so I saw some cousins I haven't seen in ages! B was just introduced to family member after family member. My uncle Matt also came down and they got to meet B for the first time too, everyone seemed to have a lot of fun, and it sucked that I had to go back to work on Monday while everyone got to stay and play! Oh being a grown-up sometimes isn't very fun.

A wedding update too, it looks like because of the paperwork needed we are going to to have to push the wedding date back to Sept. 6th. I know, it's not fun, but we think we'll be able to have everything in order by then. I'll keep you posted!!

I've got to go and make some plans for my Indepenance Day (and get a final dress fitting, hooray)!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Liam is so freaking cute!!! Love the Dance Moves! And Julie in the back with her dance instructions...of course! :)