Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things I Love Lately

It is hot. My house is hot. My car is hot. Do I love it? Yes. I will remember these days when it's 30 below in a couple of months. I cannot remember Rexburg ever being this hot, it is usually pretty mild. I love it though. I will miss complaining about my hot weather in a couple of months.

Mob Wives. Jenn has been a faithful watcher for a while, probably since it started, and she's told me about it, but I was bored on Friday so I turned on my Netflix. Bam! It's so much better than any Housewives (which I have stopped watching). They do however have potty mouths. They back up their talk too, I mean they fight, and they will punch. Trash TV at its finest!

Regular updates of Hawaii from my Dad. You can always tell when my dad is excited about something, he will text you, call you, and in this case even send you pictures. I'm so completely jealous of them, it's rude. They are in a house right on the ocean, but my parents deserve it. It only took them 50 plus years to get there! I say we forego Christmas and birthdays this year and go to Hawaii!

The Summer Olympics. I'm so excited. It's part of my wedding countdown. First the Olympics then a month later it's my wedding. (Oh yes its for sure changed, the wedding date that is, September 6th, in Rexburg)!

Star gazing. I love that I have a backyard to star gaze in, then I have a fiance who joins me in looking at the stars. I know, how romantical!

Self-Improvement. The way I see it you are either moving forward or moving backward. It's always good to self evaluate and commit yourself to be better. I know I need to be better in a lot of different ways. I seem to have been pretty pessimistic about a lot of things, because well I hate being dissapointed, but that's no way to live! B is such an inspiration to me, the past couple of weeks he has been killing it on the doors because he decided to do better and there you go. Love it!

Ok so those are just a few things I am totally loving. So the only thing that I need this summer is time on a boat! Anyway want to help me out with this goal? HA! Stay cool in the heat I will more than likely be sitting under my sprinkler this afternoon! (I need a waterproof book and phone cover)!

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