Friday, July 20, 2012

Tender Mercies

So many incredible and awesome things have happened to me over the past couple of days. First an update on B's car:
This is a long story that I'll try to make fairly short. A couple of years ago B got upside down in truck, so he sold it got the Malibu but we owned $15,900 on it and it only values at $2000 less than that. So we were expected to have to get $2000 somewhere to make up for the difference. So when the Insurance Adjuster called and offered B $16,100 for it we about fell over! Thanks to the low miles, B treating his car like his child and keeping it in pristine condition, an after market stereo system and speakers, and brand new tires we will walk away owing the bank $0.00... Can you believe that? I couldn't believe how perfect it ended up, B just had to make one more car payment and we are free from that loan. Exactly. Isn't it funny how God works? How something that seemed so horrible and upsetting was actually the answer to our prayers we've been looking for so long to be answered. Tender mercy. Not that I recommend anyone getting in car accident or anything, but I continue to be taught time and time again that I just need to faith that everything will work out if I let it. It was sad to see the "Boo" go because we have a lot of memories in that car, but in the end it's the best thing that could have happened. I still can't believe how perfect it all turned out.

In other great news:
This foolio gets married today. I must say I'm jealous that he's getting married before B and I, which is rude! I am so happy for him, he found an amazing girl who also happens to be B's cousin. I know those two couldn't ever leave each other's side. So we will forever all be linked, hooray for seeing the BFF at family reunions. I was talking to B about how crazy our lives are compared to last summer. Last summer Anthony and I were both totally in love (not with each other but with B and Dani) but it just seemed that it wouldn't work out, and it would be a miracle if we even dated them. HA! Here we are a year later, both ready to get married. I sure do love Anthony, he's one of the nicest guys around. He would do anything for you, and I'm so glad that he found his match! I'm sure I'll have a ton of pictures!! Congrats A-Town!
This pictures is so funny, it was the first weekend that B and I, and Anthony and Dani made it official. Pretty funny.
 Have a great weekend and be safe! We will be partying with the BFF and car shopping!

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