Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best TV Tuesday Ever...

Last night was so good! We ate at Millhallow (the best sandwiches in Rexburg in my opinion), Julene came over (love her!), Lee DeWyze KILLED on Idol, and Neil Patrick Harris was on Glee (and it was one of my favorite episodes all season). I CANNOT wait for next’s week episode it is the GAGA episode. Can you say the best idea, EVER. Ok they need to have a Beyonce episode and then my life would be complete. I loved Neil Patrick Harris guest starring and I love that Molly Shannon is on there too (she needs more screen time), but here is who I think they should recruite to sing/guest star:
1. Zac Efron (OMG!)
2. Nathan Lane
3. Matthew Broderick
4. Miley Cyrus (please I hate her, but it would be hilarious)
5. Liza Minnelli
6. Jay-Z & Beyonce (what if they were Mercedes parents?)
7. Ewan McGregor (recreate Moulin Rouge anyone?)
8. Hugh Jackman (I would DIE!)
9. Meryl Streep
10. Julie Andrews

I could go on and on, so for all those Gleeks out there, who is your wish list? As much as I dislike Britney Spears as a person, I do love her music (especially the old stuff) and would DIE to see a Britney episode (hilarious, I can see Kurt now)… Don’t worry JLo and supposedly Lady Gaga are already set to make an appearance.

Also if you want to read a SUPER funny dating story go here, it’s my old roommates blog and this story gave me a GREAT laugh today!!


Jenn said...

The Gaga episode is going to be completely rad. I think i'm going to dress like her for the episode. HAHA. OK, maybe not. But I wish!!!

My wish list for the next Glee Guest pretty much hit them all...BUT

ZAC EFRON and all of his sexiness is a must!!! But I would add Chris Brown and Eminem the list! (censored of course) ..omg! good stuff!

Party of Five said...

My mouth is salivating for mill hollow right now. Oh, so good.

Emily said...

I was excited that Idna Menzel finally sang last night! Its about time!