Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday's Lessons

I’ve learned the following things this week:

1. No matter how long it has been since you’ve seen them or heard from them good wholesome friends will welcome you with a smile and hug and makes it seem like you just talked to them yesterday. That’s the best!

2. I’m not the only one in the world who has drama… ha ha and it’s nice to help others with theirs for a change.

3. My family is amazing

4. The older I get the more I’m amazed at how truly blessed I am.

5. Having an education not only makes you earn more money ;), but also makes others respect you a little bit more!

6. Forgetting is harder than forgiving

7. Don’t feed into the drama, examine the consequences of my choices before acting…

8. I love books and I’m so mad that I haven’t read more since I really have been graduated for 3 years now!

9. I love the seasons, but summer is my favorite (so it needs to hurry up and get here)

10. It’s ok to have bad days, but make sure you have more good days than bad ones

It's supposed to be up in the 70's this weekend, operation get tan (thanks Jenn for the idea), is going to start!!


Jenn said...

I love reading your lessons learned!! Esp "operation Get tan!" It's onnn!

Party of Five said...

has it really been 3 whole years since graduation?????????????!! Holy crum bum. seems like yesterday we were crying about mean mr boo-shay and teenagers who we had a love/hate relationship with.