Monday, May 10, 2010

A Whirlwind of a Weekend

I had the best time this weekend whilst at home. Even if it was for seriously only like 24 hours. I did so much! That morning I took the shuttle home so I got to Boise about 7:30 in the morning. Then we came home and I chatted with the family and started on my friend Alisa’s wedding present (I’m so mad I didn’t take a picture of it, a cute craft if I say so myself!) I was so mad because I left my announcement in Rexburg. THANKFULLY I messaged Alisa on my Blackberry at like 3 in the morning, and she responded quickly (thanks to her Blackberry) phew! It was such a beautiful ceremony. She was beautiful and her husband adores her. I even cried during their vows! We stayed around to eat some dinner and talk to friends I haven’t seen in AGES. Here she is, Alisa (Williams now!) we were bff in High School and I have so many fond memories of our good times together. I’m so glad she’s happy!

So we raced home and then ran up to the High School to see my little sister be in a play called Cinderfella in which she starred as Tinkerbell. Oh. My. Gosh. So hilarious. We sat on the front room (Jenn included) and laughed our HEADS off. I really didn’t get the gist of the story but the actors and everything were priceless. I love plays! I think Maddie has caught the acting bug!
Then we raced home and got ready to go to Iron Man 2, Hyrum, Jenn, and I went. It was good, but I was super tired. I love Robert Downey Jr.
Then it was Mother’s Day… beautiful!! Chinese Sundae’s for the win!!

It was so good seeing everyone even briefly. It was just refreshing to see all the people who I love so much. I had an awesome time with Jenn and Hyrum per usual, we will all be lifelong friends (well considering Hyrum he is my brother, but still!) Much love indeed! I love how some things will NEVER change. Ever.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Well I'm glad to hear about Alisa's wedding. I/Mom didn't get an announcement...haha, so didn't really know when it was. Glad she's doing well! Glad you're having awesome times too...btw, I'm assuming you'll be home for graduation???? Hopefully I'll see you then!