Monday, May 17, 2010

Bountiful Baskets & Green Nail Polish

This weekend was interesting to say the least. Friday must have been uneventful because really I can’t remember it (I’m getting old). Saturday Sarah white gloved (aka DEEP CLEANED) our kitchen, I mean the Fridge, stove everything. I cleaned the living room, and washed the windows and picked up our bountiful basket. For those of you who have never heard of it, it’s the most amazing thing. For $15 you can get an entire laundry basket full of veggies and fruits straight from the farmers themselves. We got mangos, lettuce, tomatoes, corn on the cob, watermelon, squash, limes, peaches, apples, Brussels sprouts, and bananas in our basket this week. If you want to participate go to and sign up, it’s totally worth it! Anyway, to reward ourselves Sarah and I went to IF to get pedicures…
There was a lady there also getting a pedi and just couldn’t stop talking about how bright green my toes were. Seriously? It’s not that big of deal, it’s just nail polish! After that we went to Olive Garden (yum!) and then headed back home to go to the evening session on Stake Conference. So good! Yesterday it was a broadcast from Salt Lake and we got to hear the prophet, delightful! I’ve got to finish three more books before Memorial Day weekend, so that’s my goal (plus the sisters want to read them so I’ve got to finish them). That’s two weeks away, I can do it!


Jenn said...

Not only do I love your nail polish, I LOOOOVE those sandals :) :)

NelliePrice said...

bountiful baskets is the bomb. Also I love your shoes too...cause I also own them. I love target!