Friday, August 12, 2011

M-E from A-Z!

I've had a rough week, no doubt, one of the hardest I've had in a REALLY long time. Taken the wind right out of my sails a little you know? Then the BFF Jenn said something to me yesterday that made me think of something along the lines of "do something for yourself, empowerment... fist pump"... OK so it was probably nothing like that, but that is really ALL I remember. Then another friend said "who is the real Savanna, I want to know"... so I decided that I can empower myself and answer the following questions in a form from A-Z!

A - I sort of love Awkward situations. I love the word Awesome. I think Antlers displayed in houses are ridiculous. I absolutely love being an Aunt, best job ever.

B- Blaylock is the last name. That's pretty cool, unique I like to call it. I also love all types of Berries, and I don't think I Blush very often. I love my Birthday.

C - Confident. Something my mother always taught me to be, and for that I will always love her. Granted sometimes I have to fake it, but deep down I just know. I also love anything Coach. I love the show Cops and I love to Cook. I am obsessed with Clothes.

D - I hate doing the Dishes. I can't live without my DVR. I have a Degree and consider it one of my greatest accomplishments. I love to Dance. I love Diet Dr. Pepper.

E - I love to Eat (I've had to change some habits, but still I love it). Eggplant is one of my most favorite colors. My alter ego's name is Eunice. I can't hide my Emotions well, you pretty much know how I feel.

F - I have an obsession with college Football, if there is a BSU game on, I'm watching it. Most Saturday's during the fall I am watching football. I also love my Family very much, and I have some amazing Friends.

G - I always have Goosebumps. I love a Good book. I love to give Gifts. I want to someday be on a Game show (preferably Price is Right or Wheel of Fortune).

H - The Holidays are my favorite time of year. Sometimes I wish I could be more like a Hippie, and go with the flow. I love History, anything and everything about it.

I - I am obsessed with my iPhone, don't know how I lived without it. I live in the Icy tundra of Rexburg. I love sharing an Inside jokes.

J - I love Jumping on trampolines. I have many memories on that beloved thing. I love Jewelry. I also love a good Joke. My middle name is Jade. I love Jersey Shore.

K - I want to Kiss under fireworks someday and Kiss a complete stranger. I hate wearing Khaki pants. I really don't like the expression "they are a Kick in the pants". I crack my Knuckles when I am stressed or anxious.

L - Love, a word I use often. I Love quickly and deeply. One of my favorite sayings is "oh Laws". I once had a boy Lick my teeth when trying to kiss me (best story ever). I love to Laugh, and it's not hard to make me laugh either.

M - Mother, I love mine and someday I want to be called one too. Music usually makes me emotional. I love Musicals, always have and always will. I love good Memories ones that make you smile or laugh.

N - I love being called by a Nickname I also love creating a Nickname and it actually sticks with that person. In most cases I really hate being told No. I love my Nails and awesome Nail polish.

O - I love Oprah. I love Olives and I have to put them on my fingers before I eat them. I am the Oldest child of 5 and it's a huge part of who I am.

P - I play the Piano. I love Purses. My car's name is Pearl, and I love her! I love when people use Punctuation text messages. I grew up in a town called Parma, it shaped and defined my life in many ways, I hope my children will be as lucky as I was to grow up in a community like mine.

Q -  I wish I could be Queen for a day (mostly for the clothes). Qi is my secret weapon word I use when playing Words with Friends (I love that game). I rarely Question my decisions, I just make it and go with it.

R - I can be pretty Rowdy when I'm around certain people. My Religion plays a significant part in my life and shapes who I am as a person. I used the word Rude a lot. Working at Rocky Mountain was one of the best jobs I ever had, probably because I worked with Jenn everyday.

S - My favorite letter is S. I love my name Savanna, and get super bothered when people Spell it wrong. I had a dog named Sassy, I cried for two weeks when she died.

T - I want to be a Teacher someday. People who have no Tact irritate me. I love to Travel.

U - I secretly wish I could ride a Unicycle. In high school I would play Uno with my friends all the time. I admire people who can be Unique and don't care what others say or think about them.

V - I enjoy playing Volleyball. I Vent my feelings often. My goal is to Vacation as much as possible. Someday I want to Visit the Vatican.

W - I've lost a lot of Weight this past year, sort of a crazy emotional ride. I love to play in the Water. I only like Winter before Christmas (I know I live in the wrong place).

X - I have never had an X-ray. I get eXcited easily. I want one of my children to have a name that starts with X, I just haven't found one that I like yet.

Y- I associate Yellow with sunshine, oh how I love it. I would much rather Yell than whisper, yelling is much more fun. One day I will learn how to Yodel. One day I will own a teacup Yorkie.

Z - I love Zack Morris, just saying. I think it's super embarrassing when someone's Zipper is down.

So there you have it. That was really quite a healing moment just then, because really I am pretty cool. Just plain ol' M-E from A-Z.


Unknown said...

LOVE THIS! you really have personality traits, and habits that go w/ every letter! except where is the Y?! hope you feel better Savs

Savanna said...

HAHA obviously I can't recite the alphabet either. Don't worry I fixed it! Thanks doll!

Jenn said...

Love this! Love You! P.s. If I did this..R would totally include Rocky Mountain in it :) hahaha.

running granny green said...

Thanks. You made me smile!