Thursday, August 11, 2011

Zion's National Park and Bryce Canyon

We woke up pretty early to get to our next stop of the adventure is Zion's National Park and Bryce Canyon. I know had to break down and buy a pair of tennis shoes, and since it was early I didn't have a lot to choose from. I didn't want to waste my money on a pair that I wouldn't ever wear again, so I found some pretty cute Adidas ones. Anyway, we headed out to Zion's and I was also excited to see this beautiful park, mostly intrigued becuase I really didn't know what to expect. We rode the bus into the park and first stopped at Weeping Rock, it was a short hike but the view was awesome. We then went to another trail which leads to the Narrows. A pretty easy hike, with a lot of people around. But still fantastic. Then all of the sudden downpour. So funny. I mean I am drentched, and my hair was curly that day so I was starting to get slimy too. Thank goodness Dad let me where his uber cool hat. I wasn't cold though, so that's always a plus. OK so back to the tennis shoes, I'm super weird about dirty shoes, and they were BRAND new, so mostly I was annoyed that they were getting red rock all over them. I'm so dumb. HA! Anyway, we went on one more hike and that one was super slick but it was also beautiful. By then we were SUPER hot and hungry. So packed up our stuff and decided to go get some food. WE stopped at this cafe that had amazing food. I loved it. The most amazing thing about Zion's is the drive out of the park. I mean the whole thing is beautiful, but the rocks and formations and color, OH the colors, it was spectacular. A must see. No wonder they call Utah Zion? HA!
 At Weeping Rock
Bus riding... 
 Ok so this is not only a post rain picture so that's why I have a hat on, but next time I come I am bringing sandals, you ford that river and can walk WAY back in there. Someday...
 Where my shoes got all gross... HAHA!
 Leaving Zion's...
 Leaving Zion's... isn't it awesome?
 Starting the hike to the Narrows.
 Look at my cute shoes! HA!
 Driving out of Zion's
 Of course, have to get a picture by the sign!
 Weeping Rock
This was at our restaurant where we ate lunch, it is a t-shirt for a beer company. So funny.
So our next stop was Bryce Canyon. I know I keep saying that everything is a must see, but honestly, I was speechless when I was here. Almost emotional. Just because there is nothing in the world like this place. We got there sort of late, well just enough time to hike to the bottom of the canyon. My mom really wanted to hike it because she hasn't done it since she was little. This hike was intense I mean straight down and straight up, but the colors and the formations were breathtaking. We were worried about rain and flash flooding, but all part of the adventure right? (Sorry there are so many pictures, I just couldn't stop myself)
 The hike down 
 Isn't it so cool looking?
 This is from the highest point in the Canyon. It just looks so different!
 Before the hike, see those rain clouds...eek!
 At the bottom of the canyon looking up
 I tried not to get too claustrophobic. HA!
 Dad and me!
 This is also at the bottom of the canyon, you wouldn't believe we just climbed down a mountain.
 I am just so silly! HAHA! The best part about this photo, every foreigner after me did the same thing. HA!
 I love the contrasting colors.
 The hike back up!
 Back at the top!
There's Utah!
It seriously was so awesome. I wish my whole family could have been there for this adventure. At one point my mom and dad were yelling at kids to stay on the path and screaming children in the caves. Oh good times. This was the last National Park of our adventure. Boo, my trip is almost done!

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