Friday, March 19, 2010

Bookworm Alert!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s Friday already. Crazy! So lately I’ve just been obsessing about books, it’s so weird. I mean I’ve always LOVED to read but I found that good book not only pulls you into a whole other world, but it also makes you want to read as much as you can! I just barely finished the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I’ve been working on this series for awhile now, and finally I finished them (ok so it might have taken be 3 months to read the third book)I guess I made it a priority. Still the 5th book was amazing and now I cannot wait to read more. Actually, backup, before Percy came the Hunger Games. Oh my, if you haven’t read it yet, get on it! I’m such a history buff (good thing I got a degree in it) and the parallels of our world and our mistakes is crazy! Anyway, my brother Hyrum has also become a huge bookworm like me, and so we’ve both been building our library and swapping books. My mom got him 4 new books for his birthday and I can’t wait to read them. Actually now that I think about it, our entire family loves to read, except Mariah, but she’s always the exception. My roommate Sarah is also an avid reader and so is my friend Kristin from work, and Austin & Kenzie, so between us we’ve got some good references and referrals. That’s the best, personal referrals! My Aunt Becky introduced me to a site called! Holy cow where has that been my whole life? You can search through millions of books (I’m sure millions!) and read reviews and synopsis’s, it’s fantastic. I already have close to 20 books on my list of “to read”. HA! I sometimes wished I lived in a huge city with a huge library so I wouldn’t have to be 10th on a waiting list for a book I desperately want to read. So as summer is starting to slowly come (please tomorrow is the 1st day of Spring) I now have a list of books I’m looking forward to reading, and by all means I’m always looking for more suggestions!


Becky Clinton said...

My passion for reading is also a recent blessing, probably in just the last three years. When I started teaching seminary I sort of felt like all of my reading time had to be devoted to scriptures and institute manuals, and I was wrong. I think everyone needs that balance of a good recreational read, whether it's fantasy fiction or history.

I don't know if you read my review of Hunger Games. I wasn't too kind to it, and even though I couldn't put it down found it to be disturbingly humanistic. Is this really what our future holds?

Read on!

Savanna said...

The Hunger Games was VERY humanistic and scary! The book I am reading now is called Life as we knew it. Wow, it's about the end of the world, lets just say I decided I better get my life in order!