Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Growing up I really didn't have a nickname, OK so one - Nanna. But my mom and brothers were the only ones to call me that. I mean I never had one in high school or anything. I was just always known as Savanna - well because lets face it, my name is unique enough. In my circle of friends we had two Jessica's and two Stacy's (OK so one was spelled Staci but you get the idea). We of course had to give them nicknames to keep them apart. Anyway moral of this blog is that I love nicknames! It totally shows me that a person likes me enough to give me a nickname - especially a nickname that sticks. So you have nicknames like let's say Jenn (real name Jennifer but who really calls her that) it's Jenn, not Jenny, but Jenn (two N's please). That's like a 2nd name (which is SO COOL) or my sister Maddie (real name Madison) but seriously she's known by the 2nd name or nickname. I'm going to have a child with the same thing, done and done! Or you have nicknames that come from a story or an expeirence you shared. More often then not though a nickname is shortened version of your name to mostly show affection or caring.

In college Julie and Michelle Saunders gave me the nickname of Savy (even before Pirates of the Caribbean), and that one still has meaning and has stuck. Granted the variations has changed, when I lived in Florida all my co-workers called me Savy B.I love Savy, and recently Anthony has started calling me that, and every
time he says it I smile, just brings back good memories. Savy J, and Savy Jade is used often too, I love all varieties!

A lot of people call me Sav in fact most of my close friends just shorten my name, which I also love. Sav looks weird typed, but I still answer to it!

I've had the nickname Smurf (only briefly but still embarrassing story). I wore a new blue shirt and it made my skin blue...awesome. Thank you awkwardness of 6th grade.

When I was super addicted to Gossip Girl my co-worker would always call me S... I need to start that trend again. I feel so Upper East Side when someone calls me that. When I was student teaching I was known as Ms. B... I love letters!

Sarah my old roommate would just simply call me Roommate. It's funny I still answer to that.

My newest nickname is Snoop. Granted really only one person really calls me that all the time, but to me I love it. It again shows that we've formed a close enough bond that a story I told got me a cool nickname. Most of my crew calls me it now, and I love it. I mean even members of my bishopric call me that. Oh look there's the RSP aka Snoop! All because I told the story of how I met Snoop Dogg.  That is how I got my name, thank you B for giving me a nickname. (See look I just used Brycen's nickname aka B).

Don't get me started on pet names, those are a completely different post, love those still (if they come from the appropriate source). But you know those have special rules...

Aren't nicknames so cool? I love using nicknames such as Hy, Brother, Em, B, A-town, Tippetts, H, Matty, Princess Ri, Kober, SarHA... you know the list just goes on and on... What's your favorite nickname?


Jenn said...

I LOVE Nicknames. I've secretly always wished that something would have stuck with EVERYONE besides just "Jenn." I mean, I love my name but you know.

Lately, people in the ward have been calling me "J Dawg" because I said it one time so it stuck with a couple of them. But I think my favorite for me is "Geej." Becca still calls me that in all of her letters!

Party of Five said...

Ms. B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you.

Unknown said...

I am resurrecting "S"! Done and Done!