Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Dad!

I am thankful for my dad. Really, if you haven’t met him, you should. I have a hard time not writing or talking about how much he means to me without getting emotional. He’s one of a kind, and someone who is always such a great example, to me and I know others. He practices what he preaches, and has the most upstanding integrity. He does so much for our family and he works so hard so we can have a comfortable life. He has worked so hard and accomplished so much and I find quite inspiring actually.  He even built our house, by himself. Yeah, pretty much amazing. Most importantly I know my dad will always be there for me, no matter what’s going on. His family comes first and I love that about him. I love that he loves my mom so much, and for some reason I find so much comfort in that. He’s a good soul, a kind soul, and very sensitive. Never once has my dad yelled at me, he’s always been my biggest fan, greatest cheerleader, and best coach. Most importantly I know that my dad has a strong testimony and is willing to share it (even with his daughter who doesn’t understand how he can relate roommate drama to the gospel, but he does)! Recently I've been pretty sick but after a blessing from my father I knew that everything was going to be ok, because I felt his love. Thanks dad for everything you do for me and the hard work you continually do, you are pretty much the best!

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