Thursday, February 9, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

It has been a couple of days since I’ve posted. I’ve been pretty busy lately and I’m OK with that. Even though I was complaining to B that I just want one day where I sit on the couch in my PJ’s and do nothing. He said he was sure we could make that happen but then I would just feel lazy and worthless. Wow, I swear I’m not that bad! Anyway, today is Thursday... Friday Eve if we must say so, and of course I had some moments this week that would definitely qualify in my awesome and awkwardness!
  • B and I were at Broulims (I swear we go there once a day, it gets quite annoying) picking up something. We were at the checkout line when we both see this girl leaving the store totally chomping down on her French bread. No joke, she just peeled back the paper and was eating it like a sandwich before even leaving the store. It was the funniest but most awkward thing because she acted like she was STARVING. Going to town on that French bread. You can’t wait 5 more seconds to at least get in your car?
  • Same trip at Broulims a girl wearing a long white summery skirt with sneakers, oh and a hoodie. OK so maybe it wasn’t awkward but more like her outfit was awful. Why would you EVER think that was appropriate to wear anywhere?
  • Testimony meeting in a singles ward is always the best place for awkward moments. This Sunday was no exception. One person starting saying “I don’t know why I’m so emotional, it must be that time of the month” I look around to see if B caught what HE had said. I know that he meant it was testimony meeting but I don’t think anyone should it that way. No worries about 4 other people after HIM said the same thing, it’s mostly awkward when the girls said it though.
  • Having a hole in my tights. Dang it! So do I walk around with that hole or take them off and have slightly hairy legs? Either way it’s embarrassing…
  • Cold Showers. Ugh they totally ruin your ENTIRE day. And it’s awkward when you are trying to shower so fast but really you just freeze!
  • Accidently booking the wrong airline ticket, then calling to cancel that airline ticket 5 seconds later… Delta must think I’m really smart!
  • I had the most awkward dream last night, let’s just say it involved a Zac Efron look alike, B, and a really UGLY black lady. If B would have been by me when I woke up I probably would have punched him. HAHA!
  • On the cover of US Weekly it has Demi Moore, and it says she’s hitting on Zac Efron. Jenn said it best when I told her of the news “Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO. She’s a strung out little Hussy!!!” So true.
  • People who post 1000 pins at one time on Pinterest. I mean yes I love Pinterest it’s great, but I don’t pin EVERYTHING I see. Stop clogging up my news feed, jesh! The same thing goes for Facebook. I swear lately it’s turned into Pinterest. People use your social media sites correctly please.
  • Falling asleep at like 10:00 the past couple of nights, then I get super angry with myself when B leaves because well I’m was SUPER boring.

  • The way B acts when I start crying. He doesn’t know what to do, so mostly he just hugs me which is perfect. His face is the best though, because he’s trying to dissect the situation and the seriousness of it. It’s funny but adorable.
  • Modern Family, ugh that show is so funny. I laugh out loud every week. May I also say that I love that American Idol is back on, I really have missed it.
  • Tuesday evening was the highlight of my week. It was just a great night and really I didn’t do anything special. Sometimes I really just love that.
  • Finding the emoticons on my iPhone keyboard. It has changed my life. Hello year 2000 and MSN Messenger flashback!
  • Prayers and fasting.
  • The support and comfort B gives me when he knows I’m going through something tough.
  • Vampire Diaries. I try to keep up with B but he zooms through them. Either way that show is scary but awesome.
  • My family… they are all super awesome and super supportive. I’m so blessed!
  • My addiction to ice cream. I don’t know but as of lately I can’t get enough of it. (don’t worry I have limits, haha)!
  • Having a clean slate, and getting the approval that you are on the right track. Knowing that the suffering, hard work, and chastising was only to make you better.
  • I am excited for the following: Valentine’s Day, not because B and I have to put on the Stake Dance that night and are obligated to spend the “most romantic day of the year” at a church with some other cool singles, but because I love to dance, (it helps to be positive). Next weekend we are heading back to Parma to see my family, and to see B’s kids. I’m so excited I can barely contain myself. The best part? It’s also B’s birthday! I love birthdays, especially his!

Halfway to Friday. Thank goodness!


Keesha n David Brown said...

A GUY said, "it must be that time of the month"? Oh my!!! That is very awkward!

Becky Clinton said...

Your #1 awkward moment? Totally a European thing. Not uncommon at all to see people walking out of the bakery eating their baggette or brotchen right out of the bag. It's all about perception.

Party of Five said...

So, I know that rural montana doesn't count as the real world, but the yw in my ward all dress in long skirts and hoodies FOR CHURCH! It drives me nuts because (as you stated) the outfit is bad IN GENERAL, but it's even worse at church. AND they wear ugg boots. AND they do the whole elastic headband with a super messy pony tail thing. Come to think of it, an intervention might be in order......

Either way, most definitely awkward.