Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don't be Stupid!

After a drama filled evening I couldn't agree more with Jenn and her post yesterday (read it here)... It really is EXACTLY how I am feeling today!

She hit it right on the head. I just don't get people sometimes. I don't get why they are inconsiderate, why they can't understand how their choices effect others, and why sometimes they just can't mind their own business? Honestly. Am I perfect? Uh no. Is it a human flaw to be selfish at times? Yes. I however at least sometimes try to think about how my actions will effect other, ESPECIALLY when you make a choice that involves others. Would it be too much to stop and think "hmm if I made this choice who would it effect?" or "is this really of my concern?" or my personal favorite "I care about this person, their well being, and personal space, therefore I will choose accordingly". I guess that is just wishful thinking.

I think we all forget that once something is said, it cannot be undone. I've stuck my foot in my mouth plenty of times, and felt pretty stupid too, but that stupidity is life's way of telling you that you need to apologize.

Finally, if something is indeed said in confidence, keep it that way. I've learned this the hard way, and I know who I can and cannot trust to keep my secrets. We all need to vent sometimes, and I know when my friends are venting, because well they just spout of nonsense, but I listen and offer suggestions etc... I would never repeat what was said, that's just common sense.

Now go out and change the world, and don't be stupid!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love the last line, reminds me of Dr. Laura. :) Hope your weekend is one of recovery. Love ya!