Thursday, May 10, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

Its Thursday already?! YES! That means 2 more days until Saturday! Hooray! I have some doozy's this week... ahhh love it!


  • While Mariah and I were at Costa Vida last week we saw two couples on a double date, no big deal right? Oh yeah except for that before they ate they had one of the boys say a blessing over the food. Awkward because I could hear the prayer, but then I thought about what I would do if I was on that double date. Only in Rexburg.
  • We were at Mariah's Cinco de Mayo party when her roommate proceeded to salsa dance for us. Ok not us, just B mostly. Gave him a nice show... haha, he just looked at me like, what the?
  • I don't know what it is about the Dollar Store but people are either super friendly there or really weird. I was trying to stall for Mariah's surprise birthday party so we went in and looked at Mother's Day cards. This lady proceeds to tell us what to find in each section, which one is her favorite, and which one is the worst. Mariah and I tried not to bust out laughing.
  • Watching all the college boys and girls awkwardly try to flirt and contain their hormones at Mariah's party. The best is when the same roommate (as mentioned above) asked a random boy to play with her hair... why did I not video record this moment?
  • Getting buffalo jerky as my bonus for working on a project that took a month to do... um thank you? 
  • Extra short skirts at the office make me feel super uncomfortable... 
  • Awkward health conversations I'm NOT supposed to hear while in the office... I get the chills just thinking that I know what kind of STD's they were tested for.
  • Having to feel sneaky on Pinterest because I'm afraid someone will steal my ideas... honestly...
  • Getting to spend some quality time with my sister this week. Including her birthday, pedicures, tanning, and just chilling and talking. Love her.
  • The man I am going to marry is incredible. I will spare you the mushy love notes he sends me, but they are so kind and sweet, and I'm so blessed to have him in my life. Distance does make the heart grow fonder. Not that I love being away from him, but it makes me appreciate him so much more. 
  • The countdown for the wedding is in double digits... finally!
  • I work with some great people, and not so great people, but some of my closest friends, I work with, and that's great!
  • The great fun I had this past Sunday. B and I pretty much did everything we could think of, including eating Otter Pops.
  • The Snoasis is open... HOORAY FOR SNOCONES!
  • Reminiscing on Myspace with Jenn and Hyrum. Good laughs for sure!
  • I finally finished New Girl. I just started watching it a couple weeks ago, and well, it's hilarious!
  • The Avengers! The movie has now become my all time favorite super hero movie. Plus a lot of hot men are in it too. 
  • 2 more days until I see B!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Ok, I died about the Buffalo Jerky bonus. hahaha really?! why did they feel the need to get you anything? lol. I can't stop laughing about that.

Love Thursdays, Love you!