Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby Showers and Fun!

I had the best weekend at home. Even though we didn’t really relax we got a lot accomplished and it was so good to spend time with B and the rest of my family. The weather was perfect and it made me really excited for the summer and the end of summer (obviously). Friday night we picked up B in Twin Falls and then we made another stop in Meridian. Here is the picture of B dancing in the parking lot, I just loved it. If you haven’t ever seen him dance you really should, he’s fantastic!
Saturday was JAM PACKED. I got up early to help my mom with Emma’s baby shower, and B went to start on Hyrum’s yard. We then hurried and ran over to Eagle to watch Maddie run in State Track. Considering everything that’s happened to her this year running in state is quite the accomplishment. Here is the only picture I got of her:
Later that night we had Emma’s baby shower. The boys went back over to Hyrum’s to work on the yard a little more, and we partied. It was great turnout and Emma got some adorable outfits and presents. Girl clothes are just so cute. She’s due on the 31st, so pretty much anytime I could have a niece. That gets me so excited! Here are some pictures of the shower:
This was the shower theme, I should have taken a picture of they announcements because they were so cute!
My mom and Kenzie made the food, I just did those pom poms. It was great! My mom did these s'more bites that were to DIE for!
I should have taken a picture of how the boys looked when finally came up to the house. They were all so dirty, covered in dirt and all smelled like smoke. The yard is starting to look beautiful, and I can’t wait to see the final result! I’m so grateful that everyone is working so hard for me… I sure do love them all and all their hard work, dedication, and love!
I also got to kiss and hug baby Reece a lot! He’s barely 2 months old but weighs 16 pounds. Yes and he’s really tall. So you know, he looks about 6 months older than he really is. He is just a fat little marshmallow, but so cute. I just loved holding him. Liam is just as funny, he’s talking a ton now and has a spunky personality, so he’s always the center of attention. He loves B, when B walked in he said his name and ran right up to him. B was beat boxing and he was so fascinated he just kept trying to do it. He’s all boy and that makes him even funnier. They play pretty rough with him, but that’s ok!
Chunky Baby Reece! Love him!
Come Sunday night it was really hard for us to say goodbye. It was even harder for me to say goodbye to B at Twin. I don’t know why I cry every time, I’m usually not a big baby, but it’s just because he’s hard not seeing him all the time. He’s doing awesome in Twin Falls, and I’m so proud of him. I just wish we could be in two places at once! I know everyone talks about how mushy we are and how googly eyed we get, but I’m totally in love with him! Good thing too! I’m excited for this next weekend because I get one more extra day (thank you Memorial Day)!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'm so glad you had so much fun at home! Baby Reece is ADORABLE!!!