Thursday, May 24, 2012


"If you are having a problem finding the right path, just look for one with all the obstacles"...

Someone posted this on their Facebook last night and I just cried when I read it. Lately it seems that is all I do, is dodge, or confront obstacles, and nothing is falling into place. The things that are supposed to work out don't, and the things that I thought were going to be OK aren't. I hate that feeling of waking up in the morning and knowing that instead of a problem being resolved it only gets worse. I made a new resolution last night though, a resolution to stand firm in what I know, and what I love. People may think bad things about me, they might have wrong or incomplete information, but that really isn't my problem. If you want to know the truth than ask. It's funny how you spend your whole life trying to please other people when all you need to please is yourself, and well God of course. My dear Jenn told me once, that something worth having isn't easy, and it wouldn't be love if it was easy all the time. So true. Love is wonderful, I'm so blessed to have found it, and it takes work to keep it. If it's real love then it will with stand all the the rocks being thrown at it, all the obstacles that clutter the path, and it will grow stronger. This life is not about things being easy, and it also is bothersome to think that I would take that path, or others think I take that path. No one knows what I struggle with on the inside, the doubts or fears I have, so don't insult me with words or "assume" anything. All I know is the people that love me, understand me, understand that I make mistakes, but still love me, and I love them. I know I am on the right path because I feel like I'm in the movie Twister...


Jenn said...

You should have started this post with, "HI, I'm bill paxton." haha. just kidding. It's true though--life just gets hard sometimes. But the best part is that we know what is best for ourselves so no matter what, we have to hold true to those things. I love you, Sav and am so proud of the decisions you are making to make your life a happy one. I love your love story because it's not perfect--it's real!

AmareeBlanchard said...

Keep holding on there sister. The storms comes right before the calm... and the marriage:)