Friday, May 18, 2012

Awkward and Awesome...FRIDAY!

To say that this week has been crazy is understatement of the year. So many things have happened this past week I take back my words when telling Jenn that my life is rather quite boring during the week without B. So without further ado here is my awkward and awesomeness (I know it’s not Thursday) of the week:
  • I guess the biggest awkward that’s happened in a LONG time happened to me when we were swimming at my parent’s hotel. Let’s just say it involved 2 drunken people, one who was staying at the hotel and one that was not. He met her at Applebee’s and promised her a “good time” at the hotel pool across the street. You can only imagine why my parent’s returned back to the room only 5 minutes later after leaving and said, we are NOT going back there until the management comes. People these days, what possess someone to be that sick nasty, hello it’s a hotel ROOM, you can do that in there…
  • The moment after you hear someone is getting laid-off… ugh and it’s awkward because you are so sad to see them go but a relief to know it’s not you, and I’m not saying that to be mean or anything, I just think it’s human nature to feel that way. I really really hate it.
  • Feeling like you don’t matter or that no one cares. Oh or worst yet, feeling like you have to defend yourself all the time…
  • Not knowing what these (…) three little dots are called in sentence. HA!
  • Oh Relief Society Activities. Actually I met one girl whose name is Eliza Snow and she’s from Nauvoo (that’s AWESOME), her friend who wouldn't stop talking and one upping everyone’s stories was the awkward part.

  • Best story ever and the reason why I wanted to blog in the first place is to document what happened to me on Wednesday! So Saturday afternoon we went dress shopping, well since it’s prom season they were so busy, I made an appointment for Wednesday night and went on my merry way. I was a little upset because I wanted my mom to be there, but I understood why she couldn't, she is a busy and it was during the week etc… so Wednesday afternoon my mom sent me a text and it said “Have fun trying on dresses wish I could be there”… so then I cried for a little bit just because I was sad my mom couldn't be there. So Sarah and Mariah came with me and we arrived at the store, and when I walked in I met the ladies and we were talking and turned around and there was my mom and dad IN THE STORE. So of course I started bawling and saying “what are you doing here?”… it was a moment I’ll never forget. They came up just to see me try them on. The best news of all is that I found one, and it’s perfect and beautiful and it’s lace, oh and only $580, so done and done. It was a great experience and I’m so glad that they love me enough to make that special trip down here just to see me! I have AWESOME parents! B was a little jealous he wasn't let on to the surprise, but he can’t keep things from me very easily either… still though… awesome!
  • I get to go home this weekend for the following events – see Maddie run in State Track, Emma’s baby shower, engagement pictures, get all the wedding details rolling, and spend time with my love and family. So great!
  • This past weekend when I first say B after a week of being apart, my stomach did a little flip when I saw him, that’s a very good sign…
  • Remember how I mentioned B can’t keep a surprise from me? Well yesterday he was like oh I have a surprise, by the end of the day I totally knew what it was. So funny, but so cute!
  • It’s funny how life has a way of working itself out, and the motto “It’s always a little bit better in the morning” is so true!

 Have a great weekend! Don’t worry I’ll take pictures!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

atestI love that you found a dress that cheap. that's about ow much i paid for mine. So i understand how happy you are!