Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hurry Up Summer!

So my weekend pretty much consisted of this:
Ugh moving, how I despise you. Actually this time, it wasn't too bad. I just get freaked out when people just start throwing things into boxes because well I need to remember what what packed where. This time was different though because I had to pack things into two separate categories... Things that I will need for 3 months and things that are just going to have to wait until August. Which was pretty much meant everything into storage except for 3 suitcases and a bin. It was hard. I got really excited though that in August I can finally unpack EVERYTHING I own and actually use it. I was ready for the change, but still feel like my life will be in transition until August, either way I am happy I can be on my own again and have freedom to be an adult! Hyrum and Emma came up and thank goodness Hyrum was here. B and him pretty much moved everything, and I love them for that. I wanted B to meet Emma's family and especially her brother Taylor. Love him so much, he's so funny!

Today was a sad day though, B officially left for Twin Falls. I helped him pack what he needed for the week and then he took me to breakfast before I had to head to work. I know, he's only in Twin Falls, but I still won't be able to see him everyday. I managed to hold in my tears until AFTER I was in the car driving away. Last summer was just so hard on me, that I keep having flashbacks of it. The huge difference is that now I have a commitment (a 2 carat commitment)! No, I'm super excited for B, he has a great opportunity to prove himself and to work hard. It will be hard but we can do it! We have Facetime after all.

Since he left before me he had a chance to sneak up to my work and leave me the cutest note ever:

He made me cry all over again, because what he said was so sweet and tender. I sure do love him, and following my heart listening to my instincts make me the happiest girl ever. Gosh, hurry up summer!!


Jenn said...

Love Love!!!!

Austin and Mackenzie said...

Austin and I both agree that it is good for engaged couples to go through some time apart. It is super hard, but you really learn a lot about your relationship. And realize how in love you are!! Love you Savvy!