Friday, February 25, 2011

A Good Day

Today I have so much happiness in my heart it's hard to really express it in words. Yesterday was just a good day, and yes one extraordinary thing happened, but other than that nothing big. Yesterday my brother who I love so very much finally proposed to a most amazing girl, Emma Kempton. I've always been worried that Hyrum would marry someone who I really didn't like, and that would be the end of my world, but alas God was watching over me too! I already view Emma as my sister! The story is really funny and it's not my story to blog about how he asked her or whatever, but let's just say I convinced that kid to propose in about an hour. Thanks to my amazing bishop it was more than successful. Oh and B too, it wouldn't have worked if he hadn't of come, because well B and I were the decoys! Here are just some of the pictures of the night:
Emma and Hyrum
The beautiful ring!
B and I on one of our many adventures on this little sleigh!
Another reason I had a good day yesterday, because well I laughed A LOT, and I love that. I love that if you are with the right people, no matter what happens, you just laugh about your situation or even your problems (because those can even be ridiculous). In those moments too when you are laughing you are creating memories, and that's one thing I always cherish!

I found this website, yeah it also made my day. It's so awesome, and funny, and just good. I wish I had come up with the idea. There are so many awesome things, that we all love and didn't realize it or don't appreciate it. I also love, but that one can be sketchy and is always usually deep… Anyway, here's to an amazing weekend!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Savanna I love your optomism! laughing with fun people is the best, and YOU my friend are one of those fun people:)
i am so happy that emma is gonnna be your sister in law!