Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let's Give A Yee-Haw Birthday to Hyros!

Last night we went to celebrate the birth of one of my most favorite people in the ENTIRE world! Hyrum Pierce Blaylock. I love this kid, he's not only my brother, but BFF. Seriously, I wouldn't have made it through half of college or adult life without this kid. He's now all growed up and got himself a future wife, and I'm passing the "taking care of him" torch to her, it's a sad day but it's only appropriate. Since Hyrum wouldn't be in town today for his actual day of birth we went last night to Texas Roadhouse and to the movies. We started a little late, but nonetheless we will always have a good time. We had a good time with our waiter who bless his heart, thought Hyrum's name was Hyros...which only made it that more difficult to be loud and crazy during his birthday festivities (because we were laughing so hard). Oh I just love that restaurant! We then went to the movies, we were going to see the Adjustment Bureau but it was a showing for the deaf so we opted out and went to Unknown. We had about 30 minutes to kill so B came up with an idea to split up and go to all the different theaters, sit and watch for 10 minutes then report back on what we saw. First theater I walked into was previews so I passed. Then Heather and I went into theater 5 and low and behold who do we see watching a film with 3D glasses on? Well B of course. don't worry there was not a soul in any of the theaters. Then it was my mission to find Justin Beiber's film. I have been wanting to see it for some time, but haven't had the chance so even if  I got to see him for 10 minutes it was better then nothing. So we searched every theater until we found it, #11. I don't think it was 3D though because we had our glasses on, and there was no extra dimension to speak of. I really didn't want to leave that movie, but already bought tickets for Unknown so we headed that way. What a trippy movie, seriously it had me guessing the entire time. We didn't get home until late but what a great night it was, of course I documented our excursions...
The happy intimate gathering at Texas Roadhouse :)
The happy couple!
Matt deciding to make himself at home!  Cute Heather and Brittany!
B enjoying Mom and Mars (or whatever it is called) in 3D
B insited that he keep his 3D glasses on until the last possible moment, just in case there was something else. What a dork!

Happy Birthday Hyrum,  I sure do love you! I know this year is going to be so great for you, lots of changes but a lot of happiness, and well you deserve it!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

omg. We went and saw the Unknown last night too... so pretty much it's like I was there a little. Happy B-day YAY :)