Monday, September 26, 2011

Lessons and Quotes

What a crazy weekend. OK so I really didn't do anything that crazy (besides watch a documentary on Lions and Tigers.. and Ligers exist just saying, oh and Gossip Girl), but once again I learned a lot about myself. It surprises me actually how much I am learning about myself and relationships with other people (like this experience). Probably because I've been a little too selfish so the Big Guy upstairs likes to shake things up a bit.   I guess at 26 (ok so 27 in three days), I figured I had most of it figured out, I mean that's who I am. I plan things, I take control of the situation, and I try to mold it into something but that's not how it really works I guess. I'm so grateful for friends who teach me so much, who listen, who support, make me want to be better, and who most importantly understand and don't pass judgement.
Last night we also watched this movie:

Seriously, this movie changes you. It moves you. This was the 2nd time I had watched it, and it still had the same impact. I knew what was coming this time so I had even a better grasp on what was happening. There are so many life lessons the Pioneers can teach us. I walked away with a sense of wanting to be better, and wanting to have faith like they did.

Sorry so much of my posts lately have been so serious. I guess that's OK, life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. Don't fret though, I laugh a LOT, here are some funny quotes of the past few days...

" I am righteous hear me quote" (You know instead of I am woman hear me roar)... so funny. Thank you Singles Ward testimony meeting for giving us entertainment.

"If you are asleep, you need to wake up because I have something that needs to be said, and believe me you'll want to hear it"... and then proceeds to talk about nothing for the next bazillion hours and totally has no idea what he's quoting or saying, and rambling. Good thing I woke up for that :). Yup, testimony again.

"You can judge someone by their righteousness if you get into their car and they have NO music playing"... HAHA, uh really? So funny.

"She's interested in things like Playboy... OMG I meant GAMEBOY'S, you know like gaming..." Uh yeah that would be me saying that, in WARD COUNCIL. So funny, and it got everyone laughing pretty hard. I was mortified. Also I am pretty sure Gameboy's haven't been around since 1990.

I also love when singing in church and it's just the women's part that a total off key man sings, and LOUD. Seriously, makes my day, only in church.

And to end this totally random post I have discovered that it's the most incredible feeling when you know you can trust someone and they can trust you. No matter what you say or do, they'll listen and love. Yeah, that's pretty cool.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

OMG! I love the Playboy comment. I can just see that happening. hahaha :)