Friday, September 16, 2011

Birthday Wish List Part 2

I've added a few more things to my birthday list. It's just the closer I get to it the more things I resist buying at the store because I "might get that for my birthday", however, if I do not tell anyone of my findings I will not get it. So here they are:

- Toe rings, I've lost 2 this summer, which was a real tragedy, I've had them for so long it was like a part of me died with them. Silver please. And nothing too flowery, that's not how I roll.
- The Hills Season 4 or Season 5 Part 1
- Philosophy Foundation - medium beige
- Perfume
- Gift card to CosmoProf
- Queen bed sheets (I know now I'm old)
- Flowers

I've totally added a ton more to this list too:

Ok, that should be everything I think I have forgotten. I have less than two weeks now and nothing planned really. I really need to get on it.

I just re watched Laguna Beach Seasons 1 and 2... so fantastic. I sometimes wish my life would be filmed like that, then I could look back at myself and laugh at how ridiculous it all is. We have all started getting back into The Hills and I find it fascinating how so many situations on that show relate to my life. How I also relate to one person on that show (I like to think of myself as Lauren). Last night I went to dinner with B and Ry and I was like this so feels like The Hills because we were talking about relationships, and eating. We just needed some music and awkward pauses.

This weekend I plan on watching football and possibly riding in the combine. Should be epic. Hopefully I can get my trusty old camera back out and document my life, goodness me. Here's to hoping my weekend is fun and drama free... hey I said HOPING! :)

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