Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Unconditional Love

Ever have an experience where you walk out of it thinking "wow I was way off"... Then you feel completely ridiculous because you were being so selfish about the whole situation? I think as humans we are inclined to be selfish, and certainly now that I'm old and single I have a tendency to think a lot about "me". The past few days all I have thought about is me "why can't things be different?" or "why do I have to go through this?", but last night I kindly but firmly was reminded most of life is about other people. Everyone has their own trials and problems, and part of life is helping people get through them. It might go unnoticed and at times seem unappreciated, but I learned, especially last night, that you should always trust yourself and your "gut" (or as I would say the Spirit). Sometimes people just need to know you care, and sometimes it takes swallowing your pride and hurt and saying that no matter what I'll always care about you. Having an unconditional love is hard to come by, but I realized that for some people it's just there. You laugh when they do and when they hurt, you hurt 10 times more. It's worse I think seeing someone suffer than going through it yourself. When it's you, you just take it in stride, but watching someone else go through it just makes you feel so helpless. I think too that sometimes people want you to give up on them, because well it's expected, but I also learned that you can't give up. If I give up so will they. Things change, people change, relationships change, but caring about people, and making sure they know they are loved, and you're their #1 cheerleader, that should never change. After all, the Savior never will give up on me, so why should I give up on others? So I'm here, when you're ready to talk, or even if you never really want to talk, just know that I'm here. I can make a mean cinnamon roll, or even just drink with you (Dr. Pepper that is). I'm a great sympathy crier, and really no matter what has happened it won't stop me from caring about you or loving you. After all, that's what I am here for, to help you. In the end though, I'll be the grateful one because I will have learned so much more about unconditional love and patience.


Jenn said...

Well said, savs! Love you :)

...oh and a Cinnomon Roll sounds really good right about now. I'll take one overnighted via FedEx. Thanks! haha :)

Unknown said...

this gave me goosebumps:) well said.